
I have been on the other end of things. I have a two word domain name and had the corresponding Twitter account. I didn't use it much. For some reason, and I never did get anyone at Twitter to answer why, all of a sudden my account was in... what was the word they used... "pending" state or something then next thing I

I have Dropbox and box. I got the free 50Gb from box. I have about 2.5GB with Dropbox. I have the box and Dropbox apps installed on my phone and iphone. I use Dropbox for things I want to sync all over the place (and use it a lot on all platforms). I use box for backups of important files and rarely actually "use" it

For the amount of time and effort to write all these reviews, I could just buy the items. Having said that, I have received a ridiculous amount of free candy/goods from my candy blog, Candy Addict.

No linux client? Sigh. Dropbox has a great linux client.

FreeNAS. I installed it on my old computer and haven't looked back. It's free and it works - has a tons of stuff: ftp, UPnP (streams to Xbox, ipad, etc), SAMBA, remote login/interface, etc etc. LH article on FreeNAS: [lifehacker.com]

I figured "pro" gamers in the video would get the pronunciation right :)

I thought for sure LH was going to go all dark side and suggest torrents.

Hack the laptop screen into the ipod (or vice versa) and have the largest ipod in your neighborhood!

My favorite is when they spell it "viola!"

Is that really how you pronounce Gradius? I have always said it like radius with a G. Like grade-eus.

Totally agree. I understand what it's trying to convey but that graphic is awful. CHALLENGE TO YOU PHOTOSHOPPERS: make a better infographic that conveys the same info but looks and reads better. Ah nevermind. It can be summed up in only a few words - the XBox 360 is old.

"java programmer" isn't nearly descriptive enough. That could mean programming complex biometric algorithms, secure encryption algorithms, simple JSPs, or a million other things - some of which a candidate won't be good at or won't be interested in doing.

Would be a great band name too!

I wish there was a way to "Like" comments cause that was funny.

Same here - they're fabulous. Sony h.ear.

I wanted to like this, but yeah - I couldn't - too busy. But - it gave me some good ideas on hacking an old HD. I wouldn't mind just having a phone holder/charger - forget the lamp and USB.

Totally - I don't want/use notifications for emails. I check email when i want to.

Kudos to you for a Flobots reference!

I have been using 8player as my upnp player on my ipad/iphone and have been very happy with it. I'll have to check out twonky.