
Because the world will end otherwise!

A lot of victim blaming.

No, having no empathy and being an asshole to the point of accepting discrimination is intolerable

If you ever want to have your faith in people shattered, look up the comments on any article involving Hardy on the Cowboys SB Nation site

It’s very cute that you equate with occasionally having too much to drink with being an irresponsible adult.

So teachers are required to never enjoy themselves by being human?

lol +1

No, but policing your actions to the benefit of your friend employer sounds like a blast!

They will screw Reigns in the final for babyface sympathy and give him his big win at the Rumble

5. There are still moments here, and Craig remains the best Bond since Sean Connery. (And it’s not particularly close.)

lol have fun never having fun

You are a sanctimonious twat

lol fuck you old man

Amateur athletics in college should be amateur. Go Euro soccer model for all sports.

I think you have something backwards.

So if I present as a man, but have a vagina, where do I go? You are not thinking it through at all.

The trick with this is do what Ronstadt did. Sounds like normal country, but it’s still fucking Zevon

but...but..not passing the ordinance would make sure this wouldn’t happen!

Guaranteed but often skirted around. These ordinances are often used as an overarching “THIS IS ILLEGAL” to the fuckwits who try and get away with these actions.

If a rapist wanted to get in there now, he can. Easily. This law will only help people. You are just a bigot.