I just dig the But Dikkus Twitter handle.
I just dig the But Dikkus Twitter handle.
Thanks for the writeup, Patrick! Now go fuck yourself. Just do that. Fuck yourself. Take my advice and kindly go fuck yourself. Fuck you, fucker!
BTW, that’s John McEnroe just in front of Oakley, with the whitish gray hair and the blue shirt.
Weird how every rapper in the known universe tosses “bitch” out the way a confetti machine tosses out confetti, but George Lopez can’t do it to some thin-skinned bitch who doesn’t know when to shut the fuck up.
How come K-Love looks shorter than LBJ in that hug? Riddle me that.
Of for fuck sake, Serena.
I think the writer did a good job of saying what we shouldn’t do, which is the same as what we should do. If you’re standing by a highway with a bunch of speeding cars, the best advice someone can give is, “Don’t walk onto the highway.”
This. 100% this.
Hey, it’s been a couple days. Let’s do another anti-Duke rant again! Maybe say some snarky shit about Coach K and one of his white guys! It’s only been done 48,327 times before, so there’s still plenty more ground to cover! Who’s up for it? Let’s see a show of hands!
I disagree. Heyward is an instinctive player with tons of natural ability but sometimes seems to be coasting out there. He brings a lot of big city, showtime flair to the court, but too often makes dumb mistakes.
You’re worried about Ohanian hurting Serena? The one you refer to as the “baddest woman on the planet?”
Fuck you , Billy Haisley. Just fuck you.
Hit that one a little chubby. Caught too much ice.
One time Santa Claus didn’t bring me the baseball glove I specifically asked him for. And I’d been a good boy all year!
Far be it for me to throw darkness on your otherwise sunny day, but I have it on good authority that your ancestor was one of the single worst beltiers and sockiers in all of Brittania.
That’ll show him, Ron. Don’t let him start. He’ll never mess up again.
Who gave Brown the keys to the junior high gym?
How about an article where the smart liberal uncle gets to tell his dumb right-wing nephew how all those awesome things Trump promised are already dead in the water — the Mexican wall, the prosecution of Hillary, the special monitoring of Muslims,etc. — and where the dumb right-wing nephew throws up all over his work…
Not sure why he didn’t pull out the “oops I accidentally overturned the board” move. Always worked for me, but then I’m not a goddamn Norwegian.
Bullshit. You knocked your coffee over and spilled it on two of your associates. You didn’t even mention the company’s new overseas account, and you completely blew it on Janeane’s promotion.