“I have no...understanding of that, of—the results of it, so far, I’m interested, first time I’ve heard it commented on,”
“I have no...understanding of that, of—the results of it, so far, I’m interested, first time I’ve heard it commented on,”
Setting his views aside, his goddamn name: Jeffrey Beuregard Sessions III, even SOUNDS like he’s a fucking plantation owner in the Antebellum South.
So, educated English people?
The spelling of ‘theatre’ is when speaking about theatre as an artform. The latter is for a physical building. It is not snobbish, just because you don’t understand it.
I was having pizza and tequila recently when a Frenchman struck up a conversation with me about how offensive it is for women to wear hijab. I asked him about Jewish women who keep their heads covered, and he claimed that is also offensive. Then I asked him about nuns, and he screamed about how that is completely…
you can order a single button, although i have a feeling this etsy seller is going to be verrrry busy soon. and maybe a little bit back ordered. https://www.etsy.com/search?q=fuck+paul+ryan&order=most_relevant&view_type=gallery&ship_to=US
How about we just give women a pass and let them wear whatever they want without ripping on them at all? I hate this “tradition” of analyzing everything women wear whilst letting men wear whatever with no comment.
Guns don’t lose luggage. People lose luggage.
It’s criminal that the police gave a gun back to a man they knew was mentally ill, and that man was allowed to bring the gun onto an airplane. The NRA owns the politicians in the US because they are willing to allow us to die rather than affect the gun manufacturers’s bottom lines.
Really well, five people were killed handily!
The center I work at bought a button maker and we just make them ourselves. We’ve been distributing for donations, I’m amazed at how many people have bought them just in solidarity.
Mine would have to include Omarosa and Kellyanne.....let’s name the women involved as well!
I’m actually working on a C2C crochet blanket with text that says “Fuck Trumperdink” in beautiful (well, as good as you can make it using a grid) script.
GRR ARRGG why must celebrities turn everything into politics who cares what they think this is an awards ceremony not the time or place to talk politics GRR ARRGG
I’d proudly wear a rainbow of Fuck Yous
But libruls are the “special snowflakes”
By doing things like this - putting people into power who have direct personal and monetary reasons to favor their own interests over those of our nation or our world in general, refusing to let their ties to foreign powers be revealed - and by continuing their campaign of blatant misinformation (so far beyond the…
This is not an attitude. It is a fact based on years of empirical research. I’m sorry if you find facts and science offensive.
“You support a coup because your favored candidate did not win the election?”