You have to have no soul to celebrate that hideous monument.
You have to have no soul to celebrate that hideous monument.
I may not agree with Vicente Fox on everything politically, but I got to see him speak in June and he had a lot of great things to say about treating our international neighbors with humanity and not demonizing other human beings for political gain. While these seem like basic things to do as a decent human being,…
I was visiting home for the holidays in Virginia and was with a group of friends and a friend of a friend said she couldn’t wait for Trump and Melania to bring “class back to the White House”.
Ok, let’s try a different approach. It was a tad bit annoying to find along with it being rather distasteful doing so, but here’s the actual transcript of the hate speech.
Also do the Rockettes only perform outside in three feet of snow? Cause I thought they were associated with an actual theater and also did stuff in the summer. But going by aigdrone’s comments it’s always and only out in the cold.
Totally agree with you. I’ve always liked Ellen. I don’t tune into her talk show regularly, but I enjoy her when I watch it. I always catch her bit when she sends her producer(s) to a haunted house, because it’s hysterical. I think she addressed this the best way she can for who she is and what she does. I found…
I think she’s ‘walked the walk’ more than enough in her career that she can pick her battles and how to win them. Burrell was awful and she wasn’t rewarded for that. Ellen earned her national platform and gets to decide who she shares it with. There wasn’t any need to punch down. That’s how Trump operates, not Ellen.
Her ‘brand’ resulted in her receiving the Presidential Medal of Freedom, and to me at least, President Obama’s remarks during the ceremony serve as an appropriate refutation to this comment.
That’s exactly what drives me bonkers about the “Christians” in these stories. It’s easy to speak out against the sins committed by others and gloss over the elements of one’s own chosen religion that may force someone to look inside themselves and acknowledge their own ugliness.
If you have Netflix, they have a great PBS “American Experience” documentary on that case & subsequent trial. It’s easy to understand why there are so many films, books, operas, and plays about it. It’s one of the few stories visited by both Hitchcock (fictionalized as Rope) and Orson Welles (Compulsion).
you can’t really compare the two. Gun violence is an abstract, social issue to most people. Random, sadistic, sexual, acts of violence are (unrealistically) scarier to the masses. The world is fucked up and our priorities suck, but don’t shame people for wanting to know what happened to JonBenet. It’s human nature.
she was in beauty pageants? She wasn’t poor?
YES. THIS. I’m also so tired of the false equivalencies between “hate” towards Trump supporters and the “hate” exhibited by Trump supporters.
Funny story: Back in my acting days, I frequently did corporate films, which are videos that are shown at orientations, business conferences, meetings, etc. Well, one was an Apprentice parody where I had to be the Omarosa character. They threw a piece of foam at my head that was painted to look like a chunk of…
Didn’t she almost leave the show because a piece of light-weight ceiling panel fall on her and she freaked the fuck out and basically try to claim a boulder fell on her?
Shes fking psychotic. Pathological liar would be an understatement... Scary hateful. Vile. As if this shitshow weren’t shitty enough...
Pot calling the kettle black is not a negative comment on blackness.
Yes, she went to the ER and blew off a team challenge bc she had a concussion. The eye rolling!
“it is about who is or is not on the list....”
“We’re keeping a list”