Valerie Malone

“Hillary Clinton won the popular vote by over two million votes” is going to be my email signature for the next four years.

bell hooks makes intersectional feminism really really digestible! Any of her work would be well worth it for a 14 y/o.

I have no suggestions of factual feminism books, but I can recommend Tamora Pierce’s Song of the Lioness Quartet as a series of fantasy novels that awakened my feminist feels as a young person.

And, of course he has a Southern accent, because of-fucking-course.

I’m just going to sit over here and giggle - because I bet that guy falls into the lower tax bracket that’s about to pay more in taxes under Trump’s plan.

I’m college-educated, white and female and I once kicked a guy in the shoulder for texting in a movie theater. He was so startled he didn’t do anything but stop.

Nope. He’s exercising his right to free speech and white privilege, which apparently in the last 8 years have been suppressed by that Kenyan Muslim with no birth certificate.

“Sorry I knocked him out, I thought he was a terrorist. My bad.”

I am one of four children. For various reasons, none of us could go home for Thanksgiving (none of us were eager to either because, while we all vary politically, my parents are psychotically conservative and have been very alienating lately). For the first time in 31 years, my parents spent Thanksgiving alone.

A friend of a friend on fb tried to say this was equivalent to the anti-Trump protests right after the election... except wtf is this guy protesting? The existence of people who don’t agree with him? Women? I have never seen sorer winners in my life.

I have an app called Ambiance. You can download any types of sound from white or brown or whatever noise to rain or wind or the sound of a shopping mall or whatever and you can mix them together into whatever type of mix suits you. Also has a timer and can fade out for sleep and in to wake you up if that’s what you

393 origami flowers later, I’ve completed my living room piece. It’s three of these 20 x 26 shadow boxes to hang over my couch. Took forever, but it adds a nice touch of color.

If you need to take notes, I like Evernote - you can take photos and insert them into the app. if you like to make silly videos, try the Tellagami app (free version lets you make 30 second videos with an animated avatar, you can narrate it your self or use the apps’ computer generated voice).

I agree but I picture myself in the same situation and wonder if I’d just go for being cool and letting it play out ( most people’s natural tendency) or confronting the asshole.

Trump brings emotional gratification to man babies,

If he was brown, or wearing a headscarf, they wouldn’t have moved the plane until he was escorted off and arrested for “threatening statements” and “disrupting the flight”.

You left out the part about how the flight was from Atlanta.

It’s basically sports.
Sure your city just spent your money to build a privately run stadium where you need to pay through the nose for tickets, beer and shitty hotdogs, making the team owner rich, but at least you get to cheer for your team and feel like you are a part of them winning, even though you’ve done nothing

But this guy is sure he’s going to change everything for the better. OR. he’s just a fascistic, misogynistic asshole.

Funny thing about white terrorists: even though they have committed the most terrorism in this country, and killed the most cops, they seem to get the least attention and punishment.