Valerie Malone


I’ve come to the conclusion that these people believe that you can only be a racist if you proclaim yourself to be one. Sorry it doesn’t work like that, and if you have to say you aren’t a racist a lot, chances are you are pretty fucking racist.

I am boggled by the amount of racist you have to be to look at Michelle Obama and not see a classy, beautiful, dignified woman. Like that is her description in the dictionary.

We’re supposed to care and to empathize with them. With racist shitbirds. Naw, I say fuck them. They are in love with the ones who keep them poor and ignorant and they actively cultivate and spread fear and hatred. And now they have complete control of this country.

“I’m so sorry that this is coming back to me in any way.”

Sooner or later, people are going to figure out that the South and IA, KAS, OK, TX, MT, etc are still really fucking racist. And yet, we care about the Iowa caucus, we care about what rural voters in WV think; every election we have to endure endless speculation about what those backwards fucks think. I do not care;

If you refer to a black person as an “ape” there is no way in HELL you are not being racist. I’m sorry. This is not a case of “you misread my comment thooo.” It’s blatant racism.

Again, I would like to apologize for this getting out of hand

It’s worse that they didn’t even simply release documents, but actively pushed a false narrative and conspiracy theories by based on info in the emails taken out of context.

And yet if you called her a “nigger” (and as she defines it, the shoe definitely fits) she’d probably call the cops on you.

Trump will never be as good as...

But all of trump’s fingers are pinky fingers.

Exactly. We act as if it were the candidates who at fault. Trump is nothing more than a culmination of awfulness in this country. I hate his supporters. He is and has always been a grifter of the highest order. A close look at his dealings and that lays bare everything about him and his family. The people who voted

You think we’ll all get dumber listening to Trump speak the next four years?

you know what i will miss most about obama?

God, I hate him so much.

This was also the adminstration that took money from the federal government to settle refugees and then turned around and refused to do so. Kept the money though. Very classy.

his supporters won’t care. thats the sick thing, they will never fucking care. they kept a bitch out of office.

And she knows it’s true because her husband “likes history.” ????

“allied with Russia”