Valerie Malone

I’m not honestly so sure. I’ve met some Christians who genuinely don’t understand how religious freedom works and feel that that not giving Christians special privileges and treating their faith as the only religion in existence is “discrimination”, “oppression”, or “persecution”.

“Start calling our officers sir and ma’am all of the time. It’s a show of respect they deserve.”

Am I the only one who sees cops as people doing a job and they don’t deserve some kind of extra special super respect just for doing that job? I mean, if they do something beyond their job, that’s different, but we pay them to do their jobs, they don’t need me to buy then a sandwich.

I came here to say 2 things:

The bigoted county clerk (who found Jesus only four years ago and is making up for lost time)

I can’t find a picture of it, but I loved the signs Mitch and Cam made to protest...something they didn’t know what they were protesting and the signs said,

Yes. This happened on “Kentucky time.”

I’m no theologian, but repenting does not really mean what this woman thinks it does.

I AM DONE WITH THESE PEOPLE. Hate abortion? Don’t have one! Feel your white person narrowly defined hatred laced Christianity is being threatened? Get your shit and go find an island to live on where you can perpetuate and grow your lunacy like your nutcase forefathers did. Don’t want to do that? THEN SIT DOWN, SHUT

Exactly. It’s grotesque hypocrisy. And I hate hypocrisy. It’s the refuge of moral cowards and cretins, and deserves only contempt.

I know what you mean, but the truly upsetting thing is that being the county clerk is her family’s business.

It sounds like people think of getting into Heaven like going to nightclub and telling the bouncer that they know the owner.

I suffered Catholic school long enough to at least be able to answer this - Hitler can repent before he dies as long as he is actually and truly sorry (which only God would know). Since he wouldn’t have enough time to confess and perform penance on earth, he’d have to suffer in purgatory for a time before entering

“Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God. Therefore whoever resists the authorities resists what God has appointed, and those who resist will incur judgment.” - Your Bible

But guys, ALL lives matter. That’s what’s wrong here! If black people would just understand that we need to diminish their experiences in order to feel better about ourselves, the world would be a better place.

You know how every time an unarmed black person is killed in a confrontation with police, and BLM sympathizers get mad about it, conservatives/racists/Fox News stans/general assholes are all like, “but you don’t know what happened, wait for the facts to come in, maybe this person was a criminal who was trying to kill

Right. Like the reason so many people like Donald Trump isn't necessarily his bluntness, but the way his bluntness seems to validate the hateful thoughts that, under the rules of a civilized society, people would generally have to keep in their head. Trump is, more or less, giving them permission to be vocally racist

I love that she starts off by saying “the black lives movement.”

Fox News: Where black people being alive is the most hateful thing they can think of.

We have reached a tipping point of Trump saying obscene racist things and riling up crowds to think it’s okay to HATE and HURT wide swaths of the population, and Fox news blatantly race baiting its audience that it’s not amusing anymore. Its gotten fucking serious and, to be honest, I’m frightened about where this is