Valerie Malone

Which Broadway circles would those be?

I’m sure there were two stabbings and one armed robbery on hold while the operator listened to this asshole whine about other people doing exactly what she was doing.

God. Her nasally voice makes me want to strangle her.

This is why we can’t have nice things.

This still cannot be happening.

Literature thread? Oh, I’m so late.

Can someone please give an example of the questions or how a round works?

This. This is the type of slack-jawed trashy moron I picture when I think about the willingly ignorant people who voted for the stale cheeto. I will gladly toss any family members into that group as well. Why should anyone care about the Jimmy Bob’s of the world? This is who we’re supposed to be reaching out to?

If you look for them you’ll see them. They’re the Confederate Cool Girls.

I suspect the anti-Trump supporter attacks were more about people booing and no-ing them as they shouted, “Trump!” in one of those snobby elitist neighborhoods.

Oh, been there. Believe me. This was more of a PSA to stop putting milk in mashed potatoes because it’s foolproof when you use cream cheese instead! 

I never use milk in mashed potatoes just cream cheese - onion and chive flavor as I usually make garlic mashed potatoes - and butter. They come out so creamy and you never have to worry about making them runny!

I second Evernote. I use it for genealogy and it’s incredibly useful.

I hope this happens to my parents after they spend Christmas alone this year.

Screw the sandwich. Leftovers get served on a plate the next day and then I make turkey divan to get rid of that.

Yes, let’s listen to the white men from the red states. If my uncles are anything to go by you’ll be hearing about ching ching chinamen, Heimy the Jew, how much Serena Williams looks like an ape and how come Kim Davis was thrown in jail for her beliefs but Muslim women are allowed to wear hijabs in the driver’s

Don’t. They’ll be swimming in shit and still say, “What are you talking about? This is exactly what we wanted!”

IKR? It’s almost like he’s unable to make America great again.

You better shut up about Carol right now.

Just the brown and black people.