I still can’t even with him.
I still can’t even with him.
How do you take a bath for two hours without the water getting cold?
A feel that everyone who has died this year is so lucky.
Of course!
I will bring the green bean casserole in honor of the people we will not be visting.
Just wondering why or what they regret now?
Are there protests going on at ten a.m that I don’t know about? How come the only footage I ever see is at night? Oh! It’s the people who work the graveyard shift who are blowing off their jobs to protest, right?
I didn’t know he still owned that one. The one on 3rd and 69th? Keith Olberman used to live there.
I still have to pass Trump Palace four times a week.
I’m still furious with my parents. We normally talk on Sundays, but I sent a message to my mom and lied and said I was busy. I told her I’d call on Monday, but I still couldn’t do it. I never go home for Thanksgiving but I’m considering not visiting them for Christmas for the first time in my life. It’s not that we…
Omarosa is making a list as we speak.
They can kiss my pale as Pence ass!
I hate him.
Your relatives are nicer than mine.
It’s like they can’t conceive of Santa being any other color other than white!
Don’t forget forcing people to eat fruits and vegetables. I mean the very nerve.
Right? Who the hell knows anymore? Whatever I thought this country was about last week I was terribly terribly wrong.
My anger is right there with yours.
That’s what I’ve been saying since Tuesday. Just because you don’t wave the confederate flag and use the n-word doesn’t mean you’re not racist. People who voted for him get so mad when they get called a racist. Gee, he had no clear policies and his platform was bigotry so yeah, you pretty much voted for that whether…
I kid you not. I was in SC with racist relatives and Michelle was mentioned on TV and my mom and aunt started talking about how tacky she looked and I actually choked on the wine I was swallowing. How do you even counter or even question that?