
Stupid Jetpack Hitler…

Well, okay, but MAD Magazine already wrote one 50 years ago, lifting tunes from "Oklahoma".

It did make for a funny ad campaign with the threatening delivery of the line "What do you want on your Tombstone?"

There's a "Barney Miller" episode with a distraught couple who can't conceive (IIRC they vandalized a sperm bank that lost his deposit). When the husband rules out adoption, Dietrich eventually suggests their getting a donor who resembles the father physically - at this point the wife notices with interest how much he

I see folks like him, Mel, Dick Van Dyke, Carol Burnett, and conclude: humor = fountain of youth!

I know I heard that line in the sampled 'stuff-in-Brian's-head' sounds. You heard it too, right? Right?

I seem to remember catching a glimpse of one of these where a woman with a fatal disease was on a shipwreck while her husband was trying to kill her. If it was a self-aware parody, they were very straight-faced about it.

You're just conflating a bit - Bond and Melina are dragged behind a boat over coral to be eaten by sharks, a scene originally written into the novel "Live and Let Die", while in "Never Say Never Again", the "Thunderball" remake, Bond unknowingly wears a homing device on his scuba outfit that attracts a shark with a

You're just conflating a bit - Bond and Melina are dragged behind a boat over coral to be eaten by sharks, a scene originally written into the novel "Live and Let Die", while in "Never Say Never Again", the "Thunderball" remake, Bond unknowingly wears a homing device on his scuba outfit that attracts a shark with a

Is that a typo of 'gut' or 'grunt'? 'Cause either way…

There's one called "Voyage to the Planet of Prehistoric Women" from the mid-60s where a Soviet-era space film gets mashed up with footage of a planet of California blondes in hiphugger pants and seashell bras.

Those were great - I loved the one where Dennis is eating a sandwich and says "Oh brother - not hamsters again!" Mom is glaring over her shoulder, probably thinking "When I was your age I'd love to get hamsters!"

The kids at Kings Head Island seemed okay, but that may have been due to the all-inclusive common love of trick-or-treating.

Great! Where do I buy my regulation briefcase?

I was worried about this episode for that reason - a show length Humiliation Conga seemed too conventional - but I liked how it gradually opened up with all those little revelations, then seeing how Linda ended up loving the experience. I'll keep that in mind on my next crap day.

Mad Love? Dr. freakin' Strangelove? Lindsey's evil hand on 'Angel'? Oh yeah.

I was so pleased to see that was a takeoff on local artist R. Land's "Loss Cat" flyer - just one more reason for me to love this show.

It is cool to see folks playing against type like that. Another 'Laugh-In' fixture, funnyman Arte Johnson, was in "The President's Analyst" playing a Federal agent - the film is a comedy and he plays it funny, but his 'rules are rules' attitude is pretty darn creepy.

Re. the masks - I do admire the designer's work. Besides depicting the negative personality traits of the wearers, they're quite brutal caricatures of the actors' faces.