An Amazon Echo is already a stupid, redundant piece of technology that no one needs in the first place.
An Amazon Echo is already a stupid, redundant piece of technology that no one needs in the first place.
You know what?
I use my Echo for my home automation. I don’t have to check if I left my garage light on, and I can ask it to turn the thermostat up and down. I also use it... Who am I kidding?
Oh, sick burn. Way to deflect the conversation. They teach you that in “journalism school?”
I mean the opening of their press release reads:
I really wish people would stop denigrating the Joker like this. The Joker is: highly intelligent, well dressed, thin, and often quite eloquent. Also if we’re talking Dark Knight, Joker’s also smart enough to ditch the sleazy Russian gangster.
Guess it’s time for me to suit up then.
“I’ve lived in a lot of countries where conspiracy theories abound because people feel like they lack self-determination,” a recently retired Foreign Service officer told reporter Jason Zengerle. “And a great many people inside State are now hypothesizing about what the goal of all this is. Why are they firing people…
I hope this emergency funding plan by Murray and Alexander goes through. Otherwise, the biggest insurer in the country is going to be Go Fund Me.
Right with you. I had no insurance without “Obamacare”. My meds cost over $500 a month.
Some talking head made the excellent point that he can call it ObamaCare all he wants, but he now owns it completely, and it’s failure will be attributed to him and not Obama.
You motherfucker.
“but Spencer has since threatened to sue over free speech rights”
Nah it needs to be more dry and boring. Otherwise how will I nap through it all?
Good weed means you’ll forget you even had a car, let alone find it.
I don’t know. I’m record setting while glued to my Forza wheel. The product is fine.
We really need to stop equating Trump supports with poor whites. Not because poor whites aren’t often Trump supporters, but because it let’s affluent and rich whites off the hook.
You sir are looking for the Intercontinental, a car that spans multiple time zones.
I’ve done work on dehydration for the Army. Thirst is NOT a reliable indicator unless under circumstances that you are very acclimated to. Used to living in the Northeast and not doing much physical labor? You’ll find you can’t rely on your thirst to tell you when to drink if you suddenly are doing a lot of work in…