I wonder if I can get those seats for my saturn
I think the second time I watched that movie was just for that hotness.
You included a Ford Taurus and not the flying Bugatti from Elysium? Did this post come with a plaid shirt and a beard?
As much as I don't want to respond to this attention seeking crap, it needs to be known that you go to a "pubic" high school.
Well....I can't hate him for trying to be somewhat independent. Good on him for trying to break the common image of spoiled new money teens being too lazy to pay for their own luxuries.
Right, nowadays it's changed dramatically to "Meh, Attsa gonna be-a fine. When the moon hit's you eye like the big pizza pie..."
Pontiac. It went from being alive to being dead.
A lovely Chrysler product from back in the days when they figured "Meh, Good enough."
Who would have expected Lamborghini of all the brands to be the one to come out with the most restrained conservative hybrid hypercar?
You know what else looked fantastic? The Estoque.
No one is forcing you.
Getting banned from entering a city before you even get there is basically the most Top Gear thing that ever could have happened. This is shaping up to be epic.
God help us all.
Mansory just tweeted "Challenge Accepted"