That was absolutely horrible to watch. Even though it took me 10 seconds to skip through the whole thing....
That was absolutely horrible to watch. Even though it took me 10 seconds to skip through the whole thing....
Ya know, I see a lot of people complaining about women not saying anything when shit like this happens. But when I think about it, what the fuck would I do if a gross old lady groped my crotch? Yeah I wouldn’t like it. But mostly I would completely dread the whole ordeal that would come out of bringing this to light.…
Don’t bother. A hater doesn’t use logic or notice that they already do the same exact shit.
What the hell? PSC is a thing?!
They made a mistake. A stupid mistake. Doesn’t mean you get to call their game dumb. I don’t play it or care for FIFA games but I won’t shit on it. You just sound like an angry child who doesn’t understand where to place the blame.
Climate change alone makes them more objective. I understand debates about work and immigrants. But to deny climate change is absolutely dumb and paints you as uneducated.
Why. No really...
Sure, I do dumb ass shit from time to time as well. But this just seems so randomly stupid. There’s no way this could have ended positively, even if he made it across.
Not every music style is for everyone. But musically he really distinguishes himself. Deadmau5 is a sound. No one else sounds like Deadmau5. You’ve most likely never seen his live streams for when he’s in the studio but he’s got all sorts of old equipment, like, room sized machines with hundreds of knobs and dials.…
Can anyone explain why they made him second string? Yeah I know it had shit to do with the protest but.... Why make it about Football when everyone is trying to say it isn’t.
OH MY. I’ve been thinking about how I never see anyone tune/do any work on the Crosstek and thought it would be really sweet. Finally.
Shit isn’t much better on the Android side. My 5x prompted the 7.0 update last night and now some apps don’t launch at all. It’s especially bad since I had to sprint to catch the train to work this morning and when I got on I realized my ticket purchasing app was affected...
Luckly today no one got on the trains to…
That Tiger’s reaction was much more mellow than any house cat. Have you seen those cucumber videos?
They’re paying them nothing. If you actually saw all the articles you would see that they’re not exactly shilling, there’s quite a bit of negativity towards it.
And yeah, people REALLY fucking care.
Absolutely not.
That’s the one thing I will miss. I fully understand that combustion engines need to go because we have to become a cleaner and more responsible society. I’m totally down for it happening. But damn, will I miss the roar of a V8.
Almost any Nixon.
Almost any Nixon.
I was just poking fun at him specifically saying iPhone when every pretty much every phone has a front facing camera.
I have a friend who lives in a place where the HOA has a monthly fee that racks in tens of thousands of dollars from all the homes and the only thing that’s provided is street cleaning once a month. You have to ask them if you can paint your house and God forbid if it’s anything besides beige. Light brown isn’t even…
Suckers with Android phones don’t have front facing camera’s. Ha!!