
All of this sounds extremely plausible, but you had to make it all up to get there. None of that is ever discussed in the show. Well, except the conversation you cite, obviously. I just want the show to address it, for real, the way shows that are serious about their plotlines should address their plot elements.

That sounds kind of plausible, but they should address it, then.

You mean like Blaine, who was a zombie all last season and yet never varied in his speech or personality?

Yes, exactly as I said in my post. They are slightly more adult, which covers the sexual references. The mundane is in the show, not the characters. And if you don't think they were manipulative in the previous series, you haven't seen it in awhile.

Yes, he mentioned it. Yet nothing changed in his personality, line readings, or approach to the world, in the way that Liv becomes a completely different person in every episode. He just declined sex, while referring to having eaten gay brains. Like I said, a reference. And one. I thought I covered that pretty

I agree about expanding the universe beyond Liv. Now I just want to see ONE other zombie have their personality affected by the brain they last ate. Just one, just once. I really like this show, but it drives me CRAZY that the personality thing is a Liv-only situation. (And I know someone once referred to such a

Yes, I really think this reviewer and most of the commenters need to go watch Adventure Time instead. They seem new to the Muppet universe. This new version is SLIGHTLY more "adult," but the characters are EXACTLY the same as they have always been. And they don't want us to CARE about the relationship between

I was just surprised that the song was kind of really good.

Reading these reviews and many of the comments, I am not sure that most of you are aware that you are watching The Muppets. Apparently, you are all watching a show that claims to be teaching us moral lessons and you don't feel like it's doing a good enough job at that. I think I'm going to stop reading and keep

He's become a pretty major producer, so he actually is in a position to act on his words.

OK, I'm not the target audience for this question, but delete Rose Byrne? Are you insane?

I'm glad I said something, even if I was wrong. I'd forgotten most of those things and don't remember the short-term gay boyfriend at all, though that's hilarious. Thanks for filling in my amnesia blanks!! (Although I still think we should actually see someone else do this. There are lots of zombies on the show,

"Although she’s more fond of reading than dancing"

Honestly, I am surprised to find out that Josh Peck has acted before. Maybe one day he will do it on this show. Incidentally, the show ends with the bartender's daughter joke, although this review more than once says otherwise.

Robert Knepper does a good job as Blaine's father, but he's hardly perfect casting. Those two clearly do not share any genes. Also, am I the only one who is bothered by the fact that only Liv changes personalities based on the brains she is eating? No one else ever has or ever even refers to having done so.

"points to a lack of concern with the show’s greater narrative"

You're off by 61 years. Hattie McDaniel.

The dude on Blindspot was terrible.

Just caught up with it and find it hilarious. This guy really shouldn't be reviewing every episode of a show he clearly doesn't like.

I'm quite sure "throttle" is not the word you wanted.