
Trial by Pilate has always been my favorite number, the pathos on stage along side the guitars going nuts gives me chills. When I was little and my family got a copy of the record, I started out skipping to the end and just playing Superstar over and over again. Then, as one does at age six with a record player, I

How in the hell did the final two end up being a contestant everyone expected to have been eliminated for the last three episodes (and stayed in only because of screw-ups and shenanigans by others—not based on her own merit) and a contestant who did not win a single competition all season long (yet somehow walks away

I came into AS3 unexcited by about 2/3 of the cast. So of course this is the season where they... just... kept... coming... back.

Shut the fuck up, you dumb bitch. You identify with Trixie’s mediocrity; you’re both useless.

Notice that as well but that number really didn’t matter much when it came to who was in the finale two.

He used the same gun for all of the shootings. The bullets matched to the same pistol type which matched the gun stolen from Jeff Trail.

It’s startling how many of these true crime stories boil down to something like that - shame that becomes violence, some part of themselves they can only express in a twisted, violent way because if it were positive they would have to really come to terms with it. It’s not the only thing at play obviously, usually

In total agreement about the great effect of the reverse order. I don’t feel the slightest bit of sympathy for him, just foreboding — at the end when he told his mother his next stop was Minneapolis, it just made my stomach hurt. Maybe in chronological order, his mother steamrolling over his “I’m unhappy” and being in

One fascinating thing the writers have latched onto here is how easy and natural it is for Andrew to quickly read people and then manipulate them, either subtly or not. In the scene where Jeff flies into a rage because Andrew essentially threatens his family, Andrew turns the tables by saying that Jeff is hurting him.

You had me at Christopher Meloni and the Crank guys. I’ve been a huge fan of Meloni since he played Chris Keller on Oz.

Chris Meloni is a great actor who was not in any real need of a second act. He’s been working for over a decade without any real gaps. That’s successful by any definition.

Goddamit am I the only person old enough to remember OZ again?

Actually there really aren’t any explicit sex scenes. It’s quite tasteful, as far as I’m concerned. (And, yes, that includes the *peach* scene.)

Loved this film, the final scene in particular is up there with The Long Good Friday for just focusing on a character’s face and the emotions that play across it. Plus the Sufjan Stevens songs in it are great.

You are correct. I have read the book and it is a simmering love story not an abuse tale. These characters loved each other deeply and it impacts them for the rest of their lives.

Can we not compare this beautiful movie & the gay experience with something as disgusting as Kevin Spacey’s creepiness?He prayed on young boys because of their vulnerability. They couldn’t complain,no one would take them seriously against the word of an accomplished member of the society.

Buddy, pretty much every straight woman I know had a relationship as a teenager with a much older man.

The characters in the movie all came across as realistic people with their own set of virtues and flaws, trying to make the best of the circumstances, albeit not always making the right choices. So I think it gets that balance you mention is achieved rather well. Even while living in a vastly different environment, I

Your frequent reminder that A.A. Dowd has given an A rating to the following movies: Moonlight, Phoenix, The Look of Silence, 45 Years, Boyhood, Two Days One Night, Her, Before Midnight, It Follows, Whiplash.....