
There’s a small venue in my city that has a mezzanine with a bar, and the seats at the railing have a small ledge for your drinks, etc. It used to be a theater, and the mezzanine is where the box seats were, so you’re right up by the action, but you still get to have a drink, have a place to set it down, and sit

Thank god people of color can’t be racist, or this would have been embarrassing.

Her intentions are good, but I can imagine a whole lot of brown/black people feeling incredibly uncomfortable being asked to come to the front. What if they’re happy standing or sitting where they are? They came to a concert, not be used as a prop.

Really, you’re still mad about that whole Trump thing?

Miranda was in two broadway plays AT THE SAME TIME when she was a teenager.

I think everyone is great in their roles, but Cynthia Nixon is the “best actor.” She was a huge theatre actor before SATC and after. And as much as people like to shit on Carrie, if SJP didn’t have a fuck ton of charisma, the show wouldn’t have worked at all.

Yeah this statement is outright terrible. She graduated from Havard while still making movies.

I take it you mean that as a compliment since Iowa has one of the highest ranked education systems in the country.

Yeah, I have a hard time pinpointing my exact feelings on Ashton Kutcher... He can be pretty annoying for the above stated reasons, but then he looks a lot like my husband so that softens my feelings to him for totally irrational reasons. But then after learning about the work he’s been doing to catch child

Agreed! He seems like a fine dude.

You seem to view “families” and “roles” very clinically. You are aware they’re comprised of human beings, yes?

I’m a pretty reserved person, so I tried very hard to not talk to either of my parents about reproductive health much. My mom clearly positioned herself as the point person on reproductive health during my childhood, but after they got divorced that division of labor wasn’t always viable. I will always be super

Thank you for your opinion. I’ve never told them (either of my kids) it’s something to be ashamed of. I don’t know what kind of dynamic you have in your family, but just because someone has a different one does not make it worse; it’s just different. Different people fall into different roles in different families.

Father with a 21 year-old woman/college student. Call me if you’re in need of bail money involving a triple homicide. Talk to your mom if it has anything to do with sex. I don’t even want to know about it especially since I’ve met a few of your boyfriends and everyone involved looks like kids.

It probably thought you were someone else and would have been really embarrassed

Greta van Susteren basically said the same thing when the Roger Ailes stuff was going down.

It’s not an article about autism though, it’s an article about a documentary about people for whom autism is a part of their lives and identities. He didn’t ignore that aspect, he just described the movie. In addition, I don’t think it’s belittling to highlight Dina’s own explanation as to how the movie relates to

I am going to guess that you really don’t “try so very hard.” As a bisexual woman I find many topless women enjoyable to look at it. There is a big difference between looking and staring or leering. I think most women don’t mind a glance but it is the ogling and reactions that are the problem.

It takes one person and one false claim. That’s all.

This is not something that happened to me, but any rational person knows that some people lie to get ahead or take revenge or for some other nefarious reason. Why is it unreasonable to believe, that some women will use false claims of sexual harassment to get back at a co-worker they hate or try to eliminate the