
As I’ve gotten older my need to ‘have it’ right away has diminished drastically. Games have also gotten worse over the years, design wise and quality wise. I used to be happy with the majority of my purchases, now only 1 out of 4 or 5 is worth $60 to me and 1 out of 5 isn’t worth anything I paid for it. I actually

It’s awesome to hear someone noticed this from the other side (a person who did buy into these things), most of the time it seems people buying into micro transactions and such are split on two sides, those who see nothing wrong with rewarding developers for their game ruining practices and then us tin foil hate

Excited for this one, been trying to follow it since E3 when Kotaku first mentioned it as a “Games not at E3 that you should know about”. Progress is pretty typical though, you get a tiny bit of update about every 1~3 months. So you can really just leave this off your tracker, it’ll show up when it shows up and

Odd, I’ve read a couple times this will have cross play between Xbox and PC and possibly Sony, that’s up to them. This isn’t true any longer?

How long until these ‘educated- intellectual’ Liberals realize we are at war, it’s a slow and silent one. But how much different, other than literal slavery of course, do you suppose America was when the Civil War happened? Would you offer a guess that one side made rational, intelligent arguments for a moral/ethical

I’m sorry, all I read was “Ubisoft can’t make a game without network issues/imbalance design problems or just general suckage and continues to screw up major franchises, so pays company’s who can make good games to carry their failing franchises into other companies successful IP’s so at least they can still claim to

Evil Characters aren’t too bad for me, I almost always have a few powerful NPCs who interact with the party and even sometimes lead them into Dungeons or to locations. Whenever a player is so ‘evil’ they’re ruining the game I push on them with these NPC’s, if they don’t take the hint I overwhelm them and kill them off

The only thing that disappointed me was no mention of getting the first two remastered. I can’t imagine how successful this is going to be as the 3rd in a series that was only cult popularized when it existed on alive consoles of its time as it was. This wasn’t FF7 or something that was a MASSIVE smash for it’s time

The 90's kid in me just lost his mind. Looks like i’ll be dusting off my Ps4 for a game again. I can only hope they bring the entire trilogy to PC at some point.

Game that got huge press for being pretty bad, popularized for people not enjoying it, being the worst in the series and overall being very buggy gets sacked... this is a surprise? Bioware has bigger fish to fry than trying to save a sinking, er sunk, ship. Anthem. Double down on the IP that may have a future if it’s

I’m with you Angry, except it took me longer to learn. Watchdogs, then The Division and finally For Honor. After For Honor I had a moment where I was thinking “Maybe I should give up gaming, I mean I enjoy many but there have been a lot of really bad games and scams as of late. The industry is getting rather toxic...”

I think your speculation, which could be correct, isn’t taking in the whole picture though. The Division made a lot, on launch. It nose dived shortly afterward however and continued to idle at failure after that. Following DLC managed to bring people back, ONLY to have them complain that none of the game ruining crap

Interesting. My curiosity is what platform is this still alive on? I bought this on PC, every so often I re-install and try to play, for about 4+ months now though the game is dead. There is simply no one to play this with anymore, I sit around for 30+ minutes in searing for group and nothing happens. Is this one of

Interesting sales but nothing I’ve been looking for sadly. Deck building games always feel like they’re trying to be Magic the Gathering, which I don’t care for myself, and if I was going to go with a game ‘like’ MtG I might as well just go with MtG, I can go to a local card shop and build a deck from the .10 cent

Interesting sales but nothing I’ve been looking for sadly. Deck building games always feel like they’re trying to be

For Honor, like any competitive game, is about exploiting everything. As it stands for Honor isn’t even well balanced and is designed to make an elite few god like on the field and us peasants cannon fodder for their enjoyment. But everything is about finding the glitches and pounding on them, the idea of ‘fair play’

So what I’m getting here is they needed... one year anniversary.. 2, they needed 2 more years of development before they launched this game. I’m actually a little impressed they did this, I figured they’d just abandon any form of multiplayer, HOWEVER this is a danger too. We KNOW HG games will screw people without

Awesome, and it’s a co-op game which is ultra awesome. I’ve just started buying into these Co-Op board games now that I’m finding serious table top quality ones. I just got Zombicide:Black Plague a couple weeks ago and we are loving it. I’m also considering getting Massive Darkness, but since we already play D&D I’m

“Simply ignored the glitch”? Seriously, I mean I get not driving a car through them and getting insta kills, but what? Just don’t SHOOT at them either? I mean other than the one dude floating through the air, someone unfamiliar with the map layout might not even realize there’s a glitch happening. And don’t building

Awww, no demo for the PC? Rubbish.

Not bad at all, their use of party streamers for the blood fx was pretty genius to get that artsy blood flying effect we all love from anime. The Trigun one was a pretty big let down, especially to watch after. For all the props they had, they should have ditched the angel arms and the busted machine gun arm piece and