
How about the fact that the HP Slate prototype was announced a month before iPad and looked exactly the same as the iPad and Galaxy Tab both. This seems to bolster the "its a rounded glass rectangle, they all look alike" argument better:

@johnpa2006 The ignorance... it burns...

It may, it may not. unfortunately this study does almost nothing for answering that question. As with so many of these stories, the lead is buried pretty deep here. The study found a correlation, BUT NOT A CAUSE with diet soda. This is a huge difference. I think it is incredibly likely that the people that self

It may, it may not. unfortunately this study does almost nothing for answering that question. As with so many of these stories, the lead is buried pretty deep here. The study found a correlation, BUT NOT A CAUSE with diet soda. This is a huge difference. I think it is incredibly likely that the people that self

Its a pretty cool idea, I've been playing with it on my Android devices for a while now. Cool news is, this kind of face tracking is part of stock android now with the release of 3.1, expect a ton of cool uses to come.

If we are judging food quality by how quickly you can get it from fridge to your gullet might as well just get a can of easy-cheese and call it a day.... come to think of it, I think that's what I'll do right now

"less than lethal than a regular firearm" exactly, these are definitely lethal weapons, and calling them "non lethal" is just marketing speak. Certainly a better option that a headshot with a .45, but these weapons have killed hundreds, many of them innocent, largely because of how readily police are willing to jump

I guess we just saw The Daily/Newscorp's business model in action, the bought and paid for product spot.

Feedly seemed pretty cool, until with a single swipe gesture down, which inexplicably marks all messages in a folder read instead of scrolling down, I had marked read everything in a giant folder I had with abotu 1000 unread stores that I flick though as read. No way to undo. Awesome, thanks Feedly.

You had a pretty weird experience then, Tmo consistantly wins awards and accolades for their support.

Good. I hate the box/packaging/display fetish in the tech world. All it does is increase the cost of the goods and increase the amount of shit we throw in landfills. Put my Xoom in paper bag please.

Why you bitches always talking trash about Oak-town

This whole article was pretty much factually wrong from start to end. Really embarrassing.

Thats different than everyone else how exactly? If I want an up to date OS for my first gen iPod touch my only recourse is to throw it away and buy a new one. Same with Blackberry's and Windows devices.

"Remember Android got of the ground with buy one get one free deals." Um, no. Android got off the group when the first Droid was released and it was a premium priced product.

Where is your correction, giz?

One of my childhood friends fathers worked on that, he had tons of little functional scale models all over their apartment, it was a pretty cool plane.

@dix-huit: Because forgetting that makes the endless flamewar possible