
Thanks for everything! I hope Nintendo gets this message and sends you automatic data so you can update this graph in two clicks :-)

Lots of n00bs don't care about environment and just print and print lots of documents unnecessarily.

@Lodril: childish is treating WikiLeaks as terrorism.

I can live without CapsLock.

1. iTunes sucks.

Oh come on, why didn't he run NeoCore just to see how many FPS this device can do? The app icon was there... :-)

Monster Hunter's gameplay and re-playability is awesome.

2.1 is old already. I wonder how much we will have to wait until 2.2 passes 2.1 and 2.3 passes 2.2. Maybe in... 2013? :-(

2.1 is old already. I wonder how much we will have to wait until 2.2 passes 2.1 and 2.3 passes 2.2. Maybe in... 2013? :-(

@Steven Ansell: Yes. I'm a Linux user since 2006 and play games under WINE since then. Getting Steam for Linux would be awesome, as it was for Mac.

that's... a-f*ing-mazing.

Monster Hunter is freaking awesome. I wonder if CAPCOM is going to release a new Monster Hunter for Wii.

Totally buying this for my Wii.

WiiWare demos, yay! Now I have a reason to have a 8GB SDHC inserted into my Wii :-)

Oh man... why!? :'(

Oh man... why?! :'(