
...and yet this is the first iPhone ever released that I'm not buying. Here I come Droid X.

@shiben589: That $28 per OEM license is almost pure profit while who knows what the profit off an iPad is. My favorite statistic quote of all time is "there are lies, damn lies and statistics." If you really want the pure numbers just read the last grouping of lines, its the closest to pure information you can get

@Alex Winton: You are probably right about it not making too much money in the box office, but the budget wasn't that high anyways. If it is good, it'll be a cult classic and sell DVDs; see Fight Club.

I'm disgusted with this sites 360 bias right now. Where is my imbedded live video?

@Milo Corkey: Please explain to me how it is "shittier."

This is exactly the excuse I needed to pick one up for Fable Tri.

I'm about the biggest Guitar Hero fan there is and I'm almost ready to call the franchise dead. They have been making the game progressively worse since 3 and this shit blew my mind away. I pretty much mastered expert... on hypserspeed... even with songs like Satch Boogie and TTFAF. Now I get a 102 key challenge, my

@jedimario: If by that you mean the PS3, then si (I know what you meant).

If they somehow added dinosaurs to the Fallout franchise I will die and go to heaven. I'm not even a big Jurassic Park fan or anything, but the idea of killing a T. rex in a post-apocalyptic Vegas is blowing my mind. I'm putting the opening line at 1000 to 1.

I was really hoping this was the week I'd get FFIX.... I don't know how long I can keep replaying Chrono Cross.

@Philip Barnett: However spotty you think AT&T is, Sprint is 10x worse. I live in Baltimore, where Sprint has focused a large amount of their resources and it is still unbearable coverage. If you simply mean that each device has reached parody with each other than I believe that is a fair enough point... If however

@pixelsnader: Sweet, I had forgot about this movie. I have the DVD somewhere but instead of looking for it I think I'll just torrent.

If we are simply talking about the phone than HTC Evo. When you add networks into the equation however, I have to choose the iPhone. I know most people on these interwebs are haters of AT&T but I feel even more strongly that way about Sprint.

I used to complain that the iPhone didn't have video and defend the lack of copy/paste. In the year since I got both I didn't use my phone to record any videos and I use copy/paste several times a day. I now realize that shit like adding a better camera is completely superfluous to my needs. I would trade just about

@Danved: Ugly is an opinion, and in my opinion it is hideous.

@devianaut: I remember back when Steve Jobs said Gizmodo was his favorite blog. LMAO.

@imbosile: This is what happens when you aren't allowed inside the event.