
@sazzrah: I think of FFXIII as a spiritual sucessor to FF X, so I think that might be a better barometer for your inclination towards the upcoming game.

@ToiletNinjas: I have Trine, for $10 it is definitely worth it; I don't think it is still at that price however. There is a demo so you can try it and see if it is your cup of tea for $20... I also have Bomberman, Fat Princess and Zombie Apocalypse. Fat Princess is fun and Zombie's is fun if you like those types of

@The Forgetful Brain: I am in the exact opposite position, I almost always spoil movies for myself and often do them same in regards to video games. I do understand why you would want the surprise, but really, it only has as much power over you as you'll let... Hope it doesn't ruin the game for you.

@Kryptolojik: Yeah, that is the most surprising part... How long they were able to keep it quiet, good for them, it just makes it even more awesome.

This is awesome, you're making me regret not getting the special edition.

@Desmondia: I meant as an iPhone game because Fieldrunners has been around for awhile on that platform and I bought it way back when it was released.

@Jedijoe9: lmfao... the two places I actually play games on my iPhone as well.

Unless this is worlds better than Fieldrunners I see no reason to purchase it... FTW

@dracosummoner: I never felt like Kotaku comments needed a dislike option until now....

@Demonbird: I don't go to the movies anymore for those reasons and that at those prices you would expect to be able to enjoy the film you paid for. Too often I am disrupted by idiots who talk on their phone or the person next to them. I've gotten to the point where I'll just watch a cam off of TPB over going to the

I would actually trade all of my video games to live in a world without Twilight.

@Manly_McBeeferton: That's probably an understatement considering I've seen those on this site who would offer their first born child.

@Taheca: You never put it that way, you used language haphazardly, and only tried to clean it up after I said something. Get off your soap box... there is a difference between making a logical point and stating someones origin, and then there is just stating "indian man." You get an A for effort though.

I'm supposed to wear this in public?... Fail

@msdoran: Both of those points can easily be made without pointing out the race of the people involved. You made an inductive statement about an entire demographic of people based on your interaction with one. While I am sure you probably have had more than one interaction with a person from India, you did not

@Vonhert: There is a clear difference between what you are describing and just calling the guy "indian man." Thank you for proving how ignorant you are with your reply. He also pointed out the other guy was Irish, which is completely unnecessary even by your own standards unless that guy was speaking Irish Gaelic.

@FamiCube64: The numbers in your name serve a purpose, they are a not just randomly thrown in there or the date you started going out with your girlfriend.... That is if your name is what I think it is; Famicom-GameCube-N64. I meant it in a - "I want the name Awesome so im going to make my name Awesome45765234357

@JayUnreal: Completely random... But I always notice your posts because of your icon. It is pretty sweet, and Queens of the Stone Age are as well. I especially like that album that your are featuring; 3's & 7's is awesome. Kudos for being the inspiration behind my logo.