
@Santar: It is the only way for them to combat used game sales, and with the experience they have had with Dead Space and Mirrors Edge, I can't really blame them.

So that means online play for games like ME and DA:?....? Interesting.

@R0bster: Out of curiosity, what games beside ME2 are on that list?

@Slagathorian: I'll take the original any day, Halo 2 killed Halo for me. But alas, not everyone can be as awesome as me with the pistol.

@Mr.Gawn: BC2 with the tight controls of MW2 would be perfect. It's still possible some minor tweaks can be made between now and the release however...

@Sloopydrew: More reasons why Nintendo needs to go the way of Sega; that way we can still have quality games, but also be able to play them on a quality console.

@sentroshi: Could not agree more. That character was not funny at all. The same can be said about the wimpy guy from Alias who plays the tuff guy in everything now... The Hangover was disappointing and Zombieland is the definition of a movie that reveals all the funny moments in the commercials.

Dear Weather God,

@T-800: When you actually make money you can afford to put that extra polish on games, its cyclical... Generally speaking, people will choose a game with a lesser plot and higher production quality over a good story with some hiccups.

@Adhominem: News is extracted from surveys like this all the time; I thought the context of the survey implied all that was needed. It is embarrassing that they think they need to end the article with something like "[this is a rumor...]" I suppose some people are actually that stupid though.

You are labeling speculation from an unverified survey as a rumor?... Good thing Kotaku has such a crack team of writers.

EA use to be the standard in quality. As things continue to improve, they still have a long way to climb to the top. The most disappointing thing is while their IP catalog becomes more intriguing, the polish on their games are still lacking. I'm still waiting for the day I can play an RPG with the beauty of a Japanese

@PegasusActual: you are completely right... women are the bane of sports.

People still care about Oblermann's opinion?... Why?

What are the odds of me buying this at midnight... 100% or 200%?