
I would be Molyneux's personal hitman for a PS3 port of this...

@fauxbravo: I would rent Darksiders if I were you. There is no point in buying it unless you really like replaying (but it sounds like you rarely finish them in the first place) your games but I thought it was a solid RPG. For as much as people claim it "ripped off" other games, it was refreshing to see those aspects

@bakagaijin: They lied to you. I was almost positive today was the release date so I did some more research to figure out what the deal is. Today is in fact the release date, but it seems like there was some snafus with shipping. On [] it says that the estimated arrival date is 2/3. On [] the ship

That is why I am waiting a little bit to pick this up. Things like the "floating dead" were all but guaranteed to happen, fortunately they can be easily patched.... that and supposedly it has the Killzone 2 controls which I dread emphatically.

@Feath3r: Yes and no. In the case of GoW2 it is all a matter of opinion. If you are a FPS fanatic, or GoW fanboy for that matter, it probably isn't worth it to wait the 1 1/2 years for it to get released in a unquestionably, value-centric package. If you are going to pick it up any time before that you might as well

The sports market is pretty polarized, it seems as futile to take on NBA 2K10 as it is to take on the Madden franchise. Where I am from the phrase 2K_ (2k10 this year) is synonymous with basketball, the rest isn't even needed. It still has room for improvement and a little more polish but the online integration is as

@JayUnreal: I am definitely with you on MAG and ME2 but some hyped up games like Uncharted 2 are worth getting excited over (except its below average multiplayer experience).

I want to hear something about White Knight Chronicles!!! I know a lot of people were disappointed but if its even as good as just Darksiders I will be appeased. Plus, I know one of the major critiques with the Japanese version was the inability to voice chat online, does anyone know if it has been added in the IE?

@bog_god: Well, and I know this is going to start an argument that I don't want to have, Fable 2 is way more polished. Other than that, I'm not going to go any farther. In a completely different genre, Uncharted 2, Killzone 2, MW2, AC2, MotorStorm, RockBand: The Beatles, the list goes on for miles... all of those

@kainzero: Thank you for having the balls to say what no one else will... I don't know why the game gets so much hype, I really don't. This kind of unpolished dribble is the reason why I lose faith in video games. It's the perfect candidate for one of Tim Rogers' 3 page esoteric reviews.

@Kamix: I don't like girls with six-packs but I hold women to the same standard I hold myself... anything pinch-able in the stomach region is unacceptable... That chick is bloated, pasty and repulsive.

@Kamix: no, on the flab sack she calls a stomach

It's pathetic to see everyone get so worked up over this chick. I've seen better looking girls in the run down strip clubs of Baltimore... Get some standards Kotaku, you are embarrassing yourself.

@eck0: awesome, I think I'm going to go buy White Knight Chronicles and complete the perfect day...

@NoBullet: Well I guess that means you are basically shitting on FFVII so I won't even go down that road because there is nothing I can say that hasn't been heard a million times at this point. I will add a more recent point of contradiction however, FFXI is one of my favorite games of all time and FFXIV is slated to

How about letting me get the Level Up jingle from FFVII as my ringtone...