
Child pornography, drugs, and terrorism! That sounds scary! Boy I sure am glad that I use federal reserve currency, which is of course completely immune to those possibilities as it is blessed by Jesus Christ himself. Thank you Jesus for making my currency incorruptible. God bless America.

>makes for a better game than gunning down rich people in suits though

Actually this is changing as we speak. Developing nations that used to focus on English as a second language a more and more often switching to Chinese. China is quickly becoming the center of the world economy as Americans continue to hand them their manufacturing infrastructure. The shifting of power from America to

Your are grammar make mine head hurts.

But the P90's 5.7 round is actually a larger caliber than the M16's 5.56 NATO. Perhaps it's based on bullet weight or energy.

What's the point. Any day now Gawker media will force Kotaku into the new commenting system and having a gold star will be about as advantageous as it was for a German citizen circa early 1940's.

The PS Vita is a fine piece of hardware, but the game selection for it is severely lacking.

Actually it's entirely possible. The only hard part is getting your save data off of the old memory card and onto the the hdd, which requires an adapter.

>does not get 90's pop culture references

No thanks.

There's a difference between shaming fat people for shits'n giggles, and having an open and honest attitude about the subject. Fat people need to acknowledge that they are fat and that it is a something that they are responsible for. This downplaying and outright denial of the severity of the problem is the whole

You should try be familiar with the definition of word before you try to tell me that I didn't mean to say it.

So, you eat badly in order to perturb people people on the internet. Makes perfect sense.

I don't hate fat. I love fat. It tastes great, allows for fast uptake of calories when such a thing is advantageous and desirable, and makes my girlfriends ass look bang'n.

Eating more calories than you burn is not a genetic condition, it's behavioral problem, and in my own opinion, is a sign of mental disorder. Somebody who is 25 kg overweight and horking down a supersized #1 at McDonald's is not a person in good mental health.

Ha. That's rich. If you're too skinny, you're mentally ill. If you're too fat, well you just have an unhealthy body type. Modern American mentality is fucking wacky.

This reminds me of different piece of Japanese cinema I once saw, though in that film it appeared to be a fudge type candy and they were using much more tongue.

Not at all. That hk53 fires 5.56x45mm NATO, which you'd be foolish to pay any more than $0.40 a round for. I believe i heard him fire 20 rounds, so that was $8. You can handload flechette 12 gauge for damn near nothing and a 12 gauge bolo rounds cost about $2.

Every village has an idiot. Bachmann just happens to be a very loud idiot with a knack for rallying other idiots to her cause using bush-type tactics and propaganda. She knows just who to pander to.

A girlfriend once made me a bedset like that as a reward for getting my redwings.