
Great. Now just announce the support of a real controller and the world shall be yours Nintendo.

While I can't claim to be an authority on dictating what creatures are acceptable to slaughter for sustenance or profit; I must assert that there are a great many differences between raising domesticated livestock, and the aforementioned topic.

Not that I believe in karma, divine retribution, mother nature, or any crap like that, but if that question were non-rhetorical one, I would suggest you look up "Japanese Dolphin Slaughter".

If by "they", you mean one man suffering from mental illness, then yes, they did once say that.

Some people live in their own little world where everyone either already has or desperately desires to have apple products, and where people only use PCs out of poverty or ignorance of apple's vast superiority.

While they may technically be anonymous; they are not "anonymous"

"Militant hacker group Anonymous"

Too little, too late I fear.

MFW reading that the Japanese word for lion is raion

It doesn't normally take that long.

Indeed. And If my memory serves correct, it would have taken about a 100 perfect drops to actually fill the reservoir that they trying to dump the water in.

At some point in history neither were blog, or gigantic or enormous, most any word for that matter. Language is an ever evolving beast. Usage determines reality when it comes to language not Websters.

I for one welcome our new pony overlords.

Misinformation is their job and they actually do it quite dutifully.

I like how you used quotation marks, yet quoted things that were never written.

Yes, more prayers. That will save them from that thing that already happened to them.

Looks rather similar to PixelJunk Shooter, which is a good thing.