
@You: Just get a hookah and throw some pot on top of the shisha of your choice. Works and tastes way better than that stupid bong ever would.

@Phokal: I concur with that sentiment and rationality.

@William Henry Harrison: Well I mostly added that bit for comedic effect and to demonstrate the absurdity of the statement.

Not that I disagree with the man, but that last part of the quote is not a particularly fair way to word an argument.

@DaveKap: Unless of course your stamina level is shit, at which point you must use your other stats to overcome the situation.

@edhe [on xbl]: Just WTF are you talking about? Everything that isn't hardwired together runs on an API. Whether the Kinect did the raw processing internally or on the 360's chip wouldn't have changed that.

"The kin was bad and you should feel bad!"

@edhe [on xbl]: That's not necessarily true. While it may be advantageous in some design situations to leave the raw data processing to an external device to not limit a perfectly adequate device's lifespan as chip capabilities change; kinect is only intended to plug into one type of hardware that is never going to

@Jackstick: There's a big difference between sticking out a tiny bit and what what shown in the video.

@Timmy: Might I kindly say; Wut???

I was about to go all nerd rage and say "wtf is wrong with these people", but then I realized it said Ultima IV and not Ultima VI

@Chong_ZA: Well that part is really just an assumption on my part.

@Shift5G: No, it's from a world where people didn't voluntarily dump all of their thoughts, pictures, and personal information onto the internet.

@Minbad: And second off all, companies aren't moving to china, they're contracting labor through Chinese companies. Why do they do this? Because it's cheap. Why is it cheap? Because that's how their government has shaped their economy. Why has the Chinese government shaped their own economy this way? It's a very long