@Archaotic: Sorry to hear that your system died and that you wasted your dragon stones on a long sword :P
@Archaotic: Sorry to hear that your system died and that you wasted your dragon stones on a long sword :P
@Archaotic: My second time through I made a dragon knight sword +5 right off the bat and it made the whole game a cake walk.
@thedoraz: There is no set order in which you need to tackle the various areas. Just do what you can, and find a weapon that suites your chosen offensive type.
I find CollegeHumor's overall material to be usually pretty hit and miss, but their satire on video games is almost always hilarious.
@plasticmouse: Don't you think that putting a 300 MB(guessing) game on a DVD or a BRD in a big plastic case would be a bit wasteful for such a throwaway game.
@2KElizabeth: Then, may I say; nicely done.
@ɴєʍєsɪs №489: I do love me a nice sturdy box from time to time.
@Dante_Ravenkin: Beware of Sticky White Stuff ahead.
@NexusSIX: Drake is BaaAAaaack!: I was just thinking that, but with a hint of Loco Roco because that thing on the right looks like a Moja.
While I do generally hate alarmist news reports riddled with shoddy journalism; I have to commend this one simply because it may have the potential to whip dimwitted moralists into such a frenzy that they scream "wont someone please think of the children" enough times that authorities will pass legislation that…
@TigerKnee: You ever play Shaolin Style on the PS1? It was great fun.
@buttamilkPhD: True. Common sense is not always common. Everyone's view of the universe is unique to their own mind, but to go about daily life in a society; we must make fair assumptions that a certain portion of the population will think a certain way when making a decision.
@Ashurahori: If you're sure it's clicking, but there's no response in the software that indicates it read the input and it only functions intermittently; it's most likely that the solder that holds the shoulder trigger switch in place has a bad connection, which is not a particularly easy fix.
@770312: "That's pretty much the same as saying they all listen to metal."
@Ashurahori: It's usually a fairly easy fix. Most commonly the spring slips out of place.
@Kevin Berry: Your anecdotal account of a situation contrary to the norm does not change a thing.
It's nice to see new art and I really do appreciate their proper pricing and distribution structure(donation/DRM free digital), but I'm going to have to label this a target-audience-fail.
@ReynaldoRiv: I honestly thought you were sarcastically mocking me for my lame and overdone joke for a minute there.