
It was probably just some Wii/PS3 fanboys that worked at the airport having a little fun.

@Sakilla: It's only the exact amount if it's under $5. Any less than that and they round up and leave the rest in your account. The reason being is that if it's under a certain amount the transaction fees aren't really worth the effort.

@UW-: Do you really expect them to charge £ .2 to your card?

@ssh83: How dare you ruin my joke by [a] misunderstanding it, and [b] bringing dumb fanboy flamebait arguments into it.

They are likely going to use this delay as an opportunity to perfect it's protective sleeve as well.

@Noobs-R-Us: Watching new SNL makes me sad.

@Glames: Oh c'mom, you know damn well it plays Mario games too.

I don't get why everyone says this game is so hard. It's not really all that bad after you get a feel for how the combat works.

Now playing

@kevldulf: Indeed, that is a video that most would find boring, but I didn't pick it because it is exciting, I choose it to help you rid yourself of your ignorance of how the gameplay works.

Now playing

@kevldulf: If you don't know anything about the game you could always, you know, check that internet thing.

Is it... anatomically correct like the other cool figures available for import from Japan?

@AmataPsyche: It annoys me that you were annoyed that the Buster Sword is what the artist considered Final Fantasy.

The Metal Gear Solid series has long been known to use non-violent methods of pacification as an alternate approach to accomplishing the objective. "I happen to be of said racial persuasion, but there are a lot of very pretty women who aren't "white"."

So, what happens when you layer these all thin like into a cube?