
I think part of the game’s problem was that it was in this weird middle ground where it had enough Saints Row references and characters to keep it a Saints Row thing without actually being Saints Row. It wasn’t allowed to be its own thing, and it wasn’t allowed to just be Saints Row. It gave me the impression that

Laws are not morals and we shouldn’t approach them like robots. If that big earthquake ever hits Seattle while I’m living here and we’re short on food and water you can bet your ass I’ll be stealing from the nearest supermarket if my other option is becoming incredibly ill or dying.

It’s always confused me when ‘cringe’ videos include kids in them, because it’s always just kids being kids. Kids are still learning how to behave right up into their teens and making fun of that is really cruel. It can basically make kids afraid to learn, which is so important for them.

As someone who was exposed to

I remember an article where Pewdiepie reflected on his younger self and talked about how stupid and insensitive the gay jokes he used to make were, and said that it was due to him being so young.

Not too long after, the nazi thing happened. Is it still because he’s young, or maybe he’s just stupid? Shock humor can be

I miss this woman. I really hope she stays in the media, as long as she wants to at least. She definitely deserves the chance to stay out of the spotlight too. It’s just nice to be reminded of people like her. What a class act.

Wait, so it’s not just me? I always figured I was just bad at the game! Culture Victories are actually hard for everyone? PHEW.

Gah! Not Tumblr!

You said that in response to someone saying “Are you seriously suggesting that the best way to handle a situation where children are present was to shoot at their mother in their direction?”

Don’t treat me like I’m stupid, because I’m not. You repeatedly bring up the safety of the children. You’re not talking about a hypothetical situation, you think she was a danger to her children. You’ve said that you think the cops did the best thing they could for the safety of the children, when there is absolutely

Not even the cops have said that she was threatening the children with the knife. Stop flaunting this all over the comments as if it was something she was doing.

It might seem like a “mecha” anime from appearances alone but that’s really not how it actually works out at all.

This kid rules. That fan was on point.

I don’t think the series needs to ditch Clem, but I do think including her in this season was a huge mistake.

Clem either needs to be in this series as the playable character, or not at all. As the playable character has never met Clem before, the season was basically asking me to ignore all of my prior experience with

You really need to go into this game with an noncompetitive mindset. This game is all about degrees of victory. Just like in the movies, it’s rare that everyone is going to get away okay. The victories you’re aiming for are partial. If Jason finds you you’re probably doomed, but if you’re good you can lead him around

Hi, I’ve been the victim of a burglary as well as a robbery at work where I was threatened with a gun.

I’m not sure a tv theft warrants all this.

The only character I actively disliked was Mishima. Fuck off, Mishima. I actually really liked Ryuji, I just wish he and Morgana would stop being so goddamned mean to each other.

Like, if Yusuke and Ryuji were both romanceable I would honestly have trouble choosing between the two of them. Ryuji is more obviously

They’re okay. I do remember seeing the same little girl model in several places and thinking to myself “Wow this kid really gets into a lot of trouble.”

This reminds me of comics of the 80s and 90s where teenagers were drawn to look like supermodels in their 20s.

I always appreciate when well done kids show up in games, it makes the worlds so much more lived in and believable.


Many game developers, for whatever reason, struggle to model kids that don’t look extremely weird or creepy.

This hasn’t been my experience. If you manage your SP well and get the SP regenerating accessories early on, you can grind after you get to the treasure before leaving and get a healthy amount of money and levels. I’ve consistently had around/over 600,000 yen for my playthrough and have been at or over the average