
That’swhat I’m thinking. I really think he’s off the deep end, or possibly that Twitter has made it more obvious that he’s just not “right” in the head. Not judging him for that, only for the fucked up shit he says.

And thanks autocorrect. I won't even explain. #ducking

I was waiting for this and I don’t even care about thier shenanigans. Only the fact that he went way past 110th Street with this last jab and I lost all hope for believing he was any sort of human being I would want to associate with. He’s dead to me. Fifty shades of gtfo to that butt plug. Seriously. In L.A. We’re I

So this makes it OK for a dude to write a song about how she owes him sex because he’s THE BIGGEST ARTIST IN THE WHOLE WORLD... I’m gonna let you finish, okay. I’m not. She's annoying at best. But, no. Just no. If she was calling him out here, he deserves it.

Exactly. She owes him what, now???!!!!

Birds of a feather... #Batshit