
@JDavis: +1 vote for TinEye!

I would not even consider stepping 1 inch outside the door of my current job/situation/existance, until I have the following things in order...

The original Microsoft Photo Editor is a pretty decent picture editing package. Compact, low footprint, single .exe file with no plugins, so can be run from anywhere. It doesn't like big files (a problem if you have a 10MP digicam), but works great for everyday use. The best thing it could do, was open ANY image and

Altho' it probably costs us some in energy loss, we always leave a vent window open in the attic, for the water vapor to escape. We run a humidifier attached to the furnace (we all suffer from dryness and breathing problems without it), and so without venting, all the windows in the house get terrible condensation in

Griffin Powermate does a nice job of his too. A little pricey, and Win7 drivers aren't great, but back in the day it was cool.

April Winchell (of Regretsy blog) has a great list of chronically bad MP3s...

@Johann Schmidt: As described elsewhere here, the Nook color can be rooted (jailbroken) to run as a cheap Android tablet, if she ever gets bored with just using it as an e-reader. There are also some VERY cheap 1st generation kindles on e-bay.

@Costermonger: Depends what version of Win7 you have? If it is Home Premium, you cannot do backups to a network drive. For that, you need Win7 Professional or above.

@Nihar: Tether your laptop to your cellphone and use its 3G connection for anything you don't want the bosses to see.

Vote: NoteTab Light

@freelunch: Correct, I'm in academia. Annual salary is the same regardless of hours worked. The work (research) just has to get done, no matter how long (or short) it takes you to do it. Taking an average 50 hour week and counting holidays I can rough-out an average hourly wage (and it is depressing).

Simple explanation for the silly attitude of the person who wrote this article... NO CHILDREN! Go out, get a coupla' kids, then come back and tell us how you're getting on without paper towels and diapers.

Nice info-graphic, which misses out on one of the most important sources of Vit D out there (in the US at least).... fortified milk.

For changing the location of your user profile location, there's an easier method if all you want to do is move certain folders within it (for example, all I needed was to move the Pictures, Music, and Videos folders onto the second HD in my media PC)...

If someone looking for a job with me doesn't want to show their CV/resume, my immediate first thought is "what do they have to hide?". Their application goes to the bottom of the pile.

Bring lunch with you to the airport - none of this $8 for a sandwich shenanigans.

Aside from the retarded advice about signing up for a TON of junkmail and other offers, let's not forget the massive environmental impact of air travel, which is made even worse by flying business class. Anything that encourages more use of air travel is a bad thing in my book.

@Lahjik: I was thinking a more simple approach - like getting a stiffy right before walking in the machine. Give them something to look at!

The "safety" claim about x-rays is simply laughable. Every time you get on a plane you're exposed to a pretty big dose of cosmic rays above 10,000 feet. So go ahead, deny them the x-ray, you're gonna get nuked in about an hour anyway.