I didn't understand a word of this but I loved it.
I didn't understand a word of this but I loved it.
Spot on.
You missed one - CEO.
Please ignore the advice of this article.
Plenty. I think it's a legitimate thing to say. There's be loads of extra content and you won't have to pay for access.
I quit.
Another good one is for your job to be to manage a Facebook page.
It's because it's all a hoax - Israel doesn't really exist.
You're sliding down the slippery slope of subjectivism. Soon, there will be no truth left in your universe, and I will be able to come up to you and say "You don't exist!" and I'll be right - and wrong - at the same time. "It's my truth." Obviously, this is nonsense.
I see what you did there.
No sheep! That's sold it for me.
I was using valid in the vernacular, not the logical meaning of it. That is, closer to your "well grounded" interpretation. Well grounded isn't subjective. Hitler may have felt he had good reasons to invade France, but the fact remains he didn't. His position wasn't well grounded, because it was easily attackable on…
Actually, validity is objective. Truth is objective. Terrorists think they're doing something they believe in - but they don't actually have a valid case. What they're doing is wrong, and it doesn't matter if they think it's right.
Correct. My belief, their belief... beliefs don't make things valid.
Doesn't make it valid.
Wow, they're some seriously angsty geeks.
It's a huge deal. Indeed, I used to feel like I had an iPod just because it said iPod there. Now I don't :(
Marketing doesn't have to be misleading. This is grossly misleading.
Oh no, more tech spec wars.