
Also he wasnt really a member of Foss ( later know as At The Drive In, Mars Volta) he was an honory drummer. If he was in Foss, I am a member of Janes Addiction and RHCP and several LA bands

Spoiler alert: he’s gonna lose by double digits.

dealer guy pictured below

TRUE STORY- Used-car shopping with an ex-girlfriend...  One car we took for a test-drive actually caught fire as we were pulling back into the dealer lot... One guy ran out with a fire extinguisher to put it out... “Its okay... We just changed the oil and some extra oil must have spilled on the engine.. This is

I second Revolutions. I’ll also recommend The History of English Podcast. It looks at the history of England by going through the history of the English language. It starts with the Indo-Europeans and their language, then to how that evolved into Proto-German, Greek, and Latin. How Latin evolved to French, and how all

yeah i was coming here to ask about that. I remember not using it because it didn’t have good plugins for browsers like chrome. I’m not sure about using it on my phone. I think that’s the biggest plus to lastpass is that it’s so easy to use in my computer browser and on my android phone.

... Or use keepass.

> LastPass stores your password on its servers while 1Password keeps that data protected locally

But pork chops, lions, tenderloin are beyond incredible on it

But pork chops, lions, tenderloin are beyond incredible on it

If I recall, they basically have shown unless you have big open sores on your backside. These seat covers do very little to prevent transmission of any real bacterial or viral threats. The seat covers are more to help people with that “ick” public toilet response.

your keyboard is probably filthier than that toilet seat, and you touch your keyboard with your naked fingers all the time — what’s the big deal with sitting your butt down on a toilet seat?

Great post.

no way this is awesome.

Not sure I trust all the cbo scores. I think they’re overestimating the effect the individual mandate has on people buying insurance. Look how enrollment has slowed/stopped year over year as the mandate tax penalty grew. Most of the gains have been because of the Medicaid expansion.

Even if it’s not repealed, it’s pretty close to a death spiral, so it will be gone soon enough anyway. The republican bills are probably your best chance of keeping it around actually.

Yup, seems few people understand that Uber and Lyft only like people as customers. The fact that they are racing as fast as possible to replace human drivers is somehow lost on the majority of drivers who seem to think that driving people around was a growing and lucrative field of employment.

You have a fundamentally flawed understanding of healthcare. You want a Gov run single payer system. That’s simply not a cost effective solution.

The free market works. If the job you have is not meeting your needs look for another job. These ride sharing (cognito taxi) services were never designed to be your major

Is this for people who aren’t staying at the resort and thus don’t have the magic bands (which are amazing)? Or are magic bands only at DisneyWorld?

Um, I had multiple six packs during my wife’s pregnancy, so I’m not sure what the big deal is.

anyone want to explain what “Summer Fridays” actually are?