My wife just saw his fiancé’s episode of Say Yes to the Dress so this hits close to home.
Lack of crawtators flavor invalidates list
yeah, like straight peanut butter. It’s really a great snack.
If he did in fact pick the wrong city to mess with, was his success at taking Von Miller’s helmet last year indication that Denver was the correct city to mess with?
are you white?
I would literally recommend all of them. The one about the Eastern Front was amazing and the one on Gengis Khan was the same.
even if it was along party lines it wouldn’t pass. The actual conservatives and liberty leaning members of the republicans are all against this.
how does such a boring product get that much attention?
how does such a boring product get that much attention?
Randy Gregory says yes
How much can I increase the range by covering it in foil?
How much can I increase the range by covering it in foil?
There will probably be better deals after Apple gets rid of the lightning cable this year.
There will probably be better deals after Apple gets rid of the lightning cable this year.
“Immediately upon notification on Feb. 7, the appropriate campus student-conduct process was initiated and Blanchard was suspended indefinitely from all team related activities, pending the outcome of the investigation,” Kaye said.
I love not putting holes in my front bumper but the symmetry issue just sticks out to me. Quite a conundrum.
Look forward to his shirts, but his surgery is a real bitch to get over.
Look forward to his shirts, but his surgery is a real bitch to get over.
It is as good and as just to tear down Confederate flags as it is to punch Nazis.
Party? It looked like one or two guys. It really seems like we’re giving this small group of people way too much media and attention. The media did the same thing to Trump in the primaries and look how that turned out.
That doesn’t mean the IOC won’t force them to build new venues, or that they won’t have to spend massive amounts of money on security and law enforcement and feting IOC officials,
10 year old me was super excited about this gimmick. Right until I saw his finishing move wasn’t ripping the opponents spine out of their body.
snow storm? It’s been in the 70s and 80s the entire winter except for one night where it inexplicably got down to 20 degrees.