Perhaps he was just confused on Baylor’s team rules.
Perhaps he was just confused on Baylor’s team rules.
exactly, this has been some masterful PR by the Brazilian government with a willing media. Have multiple olympians and visitors get robbed during the games, find the one that exaggerated, lied about it to the media, make a huge media deal out of it and arrest them, no one remembers all the other robberies. the $11,000…
This is all very weak “evidence” of a scandal. The gas station was the first story I heard, and it’s really just semantics on whether they were literally pulled over while driving or “pulled over” when they tried to leave the gas station. Having the gun at his head vs pointed at him can easily be chalked up to a…
so how will allo work with google voice? I don’t think anyone knows my actual cell number (including me)
I swear I read this same link and article on here a week or two ago.
Screw chipotle and their ignorant anti-science stance.
Listened to any of Mike Duncan’s History of Rome podcast? It’s a pretty good study on the subject and he gets into the different dates for the fall of rome and how the “fall” may not be the right way to look at it at all.
mean from the list that was on sale today.
mean from the list that was on sale today.
any book recommendations? 25-40 male age group.
any book recommendations? 25-40 male age group.
psssh Florida, call us when you have a booster as the State Attorney General to help cover your tracks and protect you from the media.
+1 for the Hulk Hogan comparison on a gawker site.
because it’s her behavior they were looking to correct. She went to a male’s bedroom. She tried to get a starting football player in trouble by reporting him to the school and police.
They didn’t just shrug it off, they took care of the matter and punished the female student.
You’re missing the most audacious part of the previous incident though.
This sounds absolutely horrific. So glad he’s been punished for his crime by spending a couple of months in a county jail.
am I doing the math on dominos right?
Posted by “anaggiemom” on TexAgs:
wow, at first reading the don’ts I was thinking, well that’s not the best choice of language but it’s probably not on purpose. Then I read the Do’s and thought, wow, don’t give A&M the benefit of the doubt.
Have you never seen Major League 2?
so I went through the process and at the end with your estimate there’s a “tentative return date”. I change it to the last day possible, Dec 30, 2018 and then hit recalculate and the amount didn’t change.