
in all fairness he went after Clinton for lying under oath, not for having consensual sex.

Didn’t Freakonomics do an episode on this that pointed out the downsides to rules like these?

this sounds like a recipe for a convection oven.

My best guess (at least most flattering to Baylor) is that they’re just saying they’re keeping all their assistants on until Grobe can hire their replacements, so that recruiting won’t take a dive. So once again putting Football above all.

there’s just no reason to invite houston though. They don’t bring television sets that the conference doesn’t already have. They’ll have success with Herman, but it remains to be seen how long he stays there and how quickly they revert back to their previous success (or lackthereof).

Penn State - “Not the comfy chair! oh no!”

The theory is that they floated out the trial balloon of Star being fired as the fall guy and keeping Briles. Then Starr pretty much said “oh hell no” and threatened to make it very ugly. He quickly got his way and now gets to stay Chancellor while Briles is gone and the report is released.

agree except Houston is not getting into the Big 12. Keeping Herman long term can bring more wins, more fans and thus more tv markets and money but by the time that happens I’m not sure I see the Big 12 still being around as a conference.

Pretty sure Herman knows he can a job at a better school without possible NCAA sanctions coming if he just waits another year or two.

was just coming here to post this

Forget it BurnAllNight, it’s WacoTown

I try to avoid organic whenever possible so I don’t really trust organizations that push it. Are there any non-environmental organizations backing this up or providing recommendations?

except yes we do. studies have shown them to be safer.

quitting cold turkey has like a 9% success rate. Yes everyone could just try really harder to stop, but you’re denying reality by saying that they could just quit cold turkey. Had vaping been around the chance of success would have been much higher and easier for much more people.

or they just don’t like lung cancer. try losing both your grandparents to cigarettes and see if you think a product that could have saved their lives is retarded.

I’d give you more stars if I could. This is exactly right. The winners here are tobacco companies for getting rid of competition that could put them out of business, and the FDA which expands their power by fiat. The losers are the public as now more people will die from smoking cigarettes. It’s a sad day in America

that’s some skillz yo

oh it’s real. It was sent out by the university recruiting news service, TexAgs.

who says he didn’t? and the announcement on twitter is to let all other colleges know that he’s open to being recruited.

Wow, A&M has already been suffering with regards to recruiting with Sumlin, they sure don’t need this. And this is on top of the A&M student with all the twitter accounts, Daniel Figurelli, tweeting the n-word at UT recruits.