But the union and the MLB, which must sign off on all contracts, nixed the plan.
But the union and the MLB, which must sign off on all contracts, nixed the plan.
Bring back the Rockets twitter guy! I mean come on, that gets you fired? The guy was outstanding this season, generating fan interest, enhancing rivalries, and being way funnier than any corporate team has a right to be.
Got a lump on my head and a boot print on my chest
Not by a jury, and there just as much evidence that the prosecution dropped the case because the victim’s story wasn't credible than there is that she was paid off.
it’s not going to hurt more than not having him for any games at all. The contract doesn’t really hurt them if he’s suspended.
Doesn’t this seem harsh given that he called the police, there were no injuries, and he was never convicted of a crime?
We join this weeks edition of Celebrity Jeopardy already in progress. Charles Barkley has the board and here's the answer:
Barnes was probably the best basketball coach Texas has ever had, but he was a victim of high expectations that he himself created.
probably has it for her husband
This is a bad pattern for American Express. I have to wonder how much longer they will offer their generous Blue Cash rewards card now that they lost their federal case on their policy that prohibits merchants from asking customers to use a visa or mastercard.
not to mention the fact that they're technically still a branch of the University of Texas at Austin.
Do did Coris Mack pay for the high priced legal representation from the A&M alum (and likely donor) or was it discounted in any way? Wouldn't it be a recruiting violation to give anything of value (including free or discounted legal services) to a recruiting prospect or the prospect's family? I'm sure Mack will show…
just what i was coming to suggest.
Hey. Ya know Ricky, breaking up with a girlfriend can be a very painful thing. But it don't have to keep ya down for long. I mean, let me tell ya something from my own personal experience. I've never had a regular girlfriend like you, but I did get kicked in the balls once by a mule. Now, I thought I would be hurting…
This is the most intriguing high school prospect since Gotch Yarbrough.
they keep those "other" people over at Prairie View A&M.
So we have a game between two coaches. One has outlandish theories about a conspiracy that defy the laws of physics and has been roundly rejected by scientists and other experts. The other is Pete Carroll.