
Thank you, I will as long as people insist on saying stupid shit like “food causes inflammation.”

Yes, my long term diet should not include mangoes or raw cherries, because those cause a kind of inflammation in me called “anaphylactic shock.” Other than that, no. No one who understands how food actually works agrees that food you are not allergic to causes inflammation. But if you believe it does, I have some

As I whine about constantly, I became diabetic after a particularly heavy course of steroids (fun fact! the author of The Kite Runner was my doctor at the time and had prescribed that insane dosage, and I had to file a complaint against him because he ignored my calls about not being able to see, drinking gallons of

I do, too. I’m sorry for whomever has to go through the awful things we do.

My new thing is everyone telling me I’ll be cured of JRA if I eat paleo. I thought it had died out for the gluten free craze, but I was wrong.

There are not enough stars for this. I never wish death on my enemies. I wish them the 3 year course of prednisone I had to take for my systemic JRA.

Hungarian Puli

Seriously? I hope not by an actual doctor.

I can’t get behind any diet that will banish avocado. That’s fucking insane.


I’ve literally been told I can cure my autoimmune illness by cutting out “ethnic food” and eating good ole American food, as we were made to do.

*raises hand*
I have full body inflammation! My c-reactive protein showed me this just last week, and you are absolutely correct about its use as a test and diagnostic.

Spoilers: I have lupus, not death via avocados, which are gifts from baby jesus.

Whoa, there. I do cook from scratch for my family, almost every day, and buy processed food just about never, but thanks for the presumptions about my diet. This article was framed as being primarily about weight loss by way of stupid woo, and I was commenting on that.

As an Old with actual, medically-measurable and imageable inflammatory processes (like elevated ESR and RF), I’m calling bullshit on all of this. Extreme cold makes my arthritic joints hurt like hell - one reason I moved away from a region that has extreme cold. Eating/not eating the current bugaboo of foods won't

Well, then, if inflammation is the worst enemy, let’s start handing out prednisone. Moon face for everyone!

God no, please. I cannot have another year of insufferable slightly related trend’s bullshit to sort through.