
Right. Because it’s not size-ist or racist or sexist if you are ‘just making an observation’?

Not to take away from your larger valuable point about how food facts are hidden from the consumer by printing it so tiny, but it was a revelation a few years ago when a friend casually mentioned that he used his cell phone’s camera to read food labels. So... no magnifying glass needed.

hopefully in hell, burning slowly.

(i personally don’t believe in hell as commonly believed in by Christians, but I’d become a believer if I was assured Trump and his past, present and future inner circle/cabinet would spend eternity there)

haven’t been canoeing in years so kayaks are more on my brain, but you are right about the comparative ease of entering/exiting sit-inside-kayaks vs canoes - not sure about how sit-on-top kayaks compare though those always seem more casual to me - don’t know if many people making overnight kayaking trips would be

Just because you have no life so can stay caught up on shows as they air doesn’t mean everyone else is in the same boat.
It’s not unreasonable to keep spoilers out of headlines, it doesn’t prevent anyone from talking about spoilers it allows people to choose whether they want to know spoilers or not.

If you disagree,

What RRS feed?  The spoiler is in the headline so it’s visible right on the main page of this site.

First off, no one has suggested that people shouldn’t talk about spoilers, people have just been asking to keep the spoilers out of the headline and the lead picture so that the spoilers won’t appear ON THE MAIN PAGE OF THE SITE. That is NOT unreasonable.

The almost daily fund-raising emails I get begging for money from the Trump campaign have escalated to more than one per day this week. (seriously) One of them was bleating about how the transcript of the call totally exonerated the President because there was “no mention of the Bidens 8 times”.

Not sure what the logic

According to the spoiler-dismissers you have to basically stop using the internet until you are caught up on every show you care about. At least that’s what they tell me every time I bring this up. I assume it’s because they feel they have some god-given right to spoil things for other people, but secretly I suspect

“As for spoilers, research suggests spoilers actually increase enjoyment, despite the constant mewling to the contrary.”

Along with life, you clearly you don’t understand how Bingo is played either.

and don’t visit any Gizmodo sites unless you are caught up on every television show you care about because they all display top story headlines from other giz sites in the sidebars?

Of course they are fair game for immediate discussion, but having a headline that reveals the spoiler is like walking into your office and shouting “HEY EVERYONE WHAT DID YOU THINK ABOUT NINJA BEING THE ICE CREAM SINGER?” If you wouldn’t do that in your office, why do it on Kotaku in a headline?

(big difference

“if you don’t want spoilers stay off the internet until you have watched the show” is pretty much the stupidest, most useless suggestion ever.

With the number of shows available to watch it is IMPOSSIBLE for anyone to ever be caught up on every show they might want to watch, so your advice basically translates into “If

The raw (unprocessed) acoustics would be atrocious, but you wouldn’t be hearing the raw unprocessed vocals, you’d be hearing the vocals after extensive processing/filtering/EQing/tonal-shaping/reverb/echo/etc have been applied and the vocal is mixed with all the other elements of the song.

With the amount of effects

Don’t dismiss her acting career, I am sure she’s at least as well known for role in “Baseketball” as she is for her modeling.

Too bad a gofundme campaign couldn’t get them back on the field, they would easily raise their defunded $25,000 in a weekend.

But it’s a sweet, sad poison, so there’s that.

Wait... “Blue Elves Matter” is really a thing?

religion is fine with me as long as it isn’t organized and isn’t espousing violence or hate. Once someone gets religion organized it becomes an institution, and once it’s an institution it becomes a source of money and power - and that’s usually where the problems start (putting aside the more questionable