
heh. new englander here, and not a major baseball follower so i assumed Schilling didn’t exist until he joined the red sox and am annoyed he didn’t cease to exist (in terms of my awareness of his existence, not his actual existence) when he and they parted ways.

while i acknowledge the allegories you suggest of US race and class wars in Heston’s sci-fi films could very well be intentional, I think your categorization of his career and how it relates to his later activities is both too narrow and inaccurate.

The executive summary is: 1968-’73 weren’t his later acting years, and

while i get the appeal of playing up any problems in NRA-central, and I would guess people resigning before their term is up is probably not all that common, this is only the 4th member to resign - out of 76, that’s not a significant number.

If he opened his mouth and talked about issues, even at the peak of his athletic success/fame immediately post bloody-sock world series triumph, he would have had a hard time winning a state-wide election in MA. Today his chances would be in the low single digit percents, if that. If he can’t win a blue district in

Original employee seems the most likely/obvious possibility, but employeeS seems less likely because of the general rule about the number of people who can successfully keep a secret being only 2 people, IF one of the two is dead.

Fuck off, Bootlicker.

Sad, but sweet.

it might actually be a small fish. little known fact, but Don Jr can extend his arms out to a length of almost 8'.

“...unless he’s caught in his presidential sleeping coffin reading Michelle Obama’s Becoming, his toothless band of deplorables won’t care.”

I think at this point, the only thing that would make his rabid supporters stop supporting him would be if at one of his rallies, he (in classic scooby-doo fashion) pulled off a

Swatters are idiotic fucking cowards - and they should be shamed out of the gaming community and if caught, prohibited from accessing the internet, ideally for forever.

help whoever you want, no one’s suggesting you help people who call you ‘cunt’. 

Counterpoint: A good player doesn’t regularly get beaten by a bad player. If you are regularly getting beaten by ‘bad’ players either you aren’t as good as you think you are, or you are good at one specific aspect/weapon/strategy but have microfocused too much on that one aspect/weapon/strategy of the game and can

I don’t know if duty of care would be relevant in a situation like this because neither putting out the fire nor walking away from the fire was likely to put anyone in any danger or cause anyone physical harm. Not a legal expert but I thought duty of care gets invoked when someone takes some action that has a negative

 I was just pointing out that at the point in time when the driver called the pit crew ‘asshole’ the pit-crew had done nothing asshole-ish. (Of course if he had just waited 3-4m he would have had good reason to call them that)

I think there’s plenty of room for blame on both sides.  Track workers acted unprofessionally, but the track workers didn’t know the guy tried to shut the engine off, they are trying to help the guy save his car by telling them to shut the engine off. When they tell him a second time (probably not hearing him say it

the asshats who weave in and out of lanes at high speed without signalling are bad enough already, if they could do that in 3 dimensions (up/down being added to left/right) I’d have to finally get that rocket launcher I’ve been considering.

best case scenario was he meant to say ‘non-racist’ as that’s the only thing that makes sense given his leading and followup remarks about supporting ‘all races’, but that’s a hell of a gaffe to be sure.

One targetted group of people is rarely enough to sate the level of hate people like this have inside, their hate ALWAYS spreads out to encompass other groups.

I mean look at historical examples, even wiping out millions of Jews wasn’t enough for the level of hate felt by the Nazis leaders, they had to target

everything exists in a vacuum unless it can be used as a thread in a gordian knot of a regressive republicant* conspiracy theory that pulls in everyone on their enemies list.

*alternative spelling is “republicunt”.

Nuking Mecca? Because starting a religious war with the most populous religion on the planet is going to end well for anybody?

Fuck that sphincter-souled douchy shithead Lowry to hell.