
interesting.  the original wording is still confusing to me, but it’s probably just me.

It’s all about managing expectations. I don’t even have any idea what the ‘best fast food burger of my life’ has been up until now, but it would be pretty hard to live up to the billing as ‘best fast food burger of my life’?

came here to say this, though I was going to raise it to 50% and go with a more generic ‘work in or have worked in advertising’.

“It’s suspected he climbed atop the cooler—a storage area for merchandise where workers sometimes hid to take breaks...”

I had to read this a few times and read the CNN article to make sense of it and it still doesn’t make sense. The way it’s worded it sounds like workers were climbing on TOP of a cooler to hide and

coolers/refrigeration units tend to vent heat out the back and there were multiple coolers in the area, so maybe excessive heat in a confined space turned his corpse into jerky instead of the traditional mush?

How did you ever get out of the grays?

People might not be ‘choosing to be unhealthy or stressed’, but if the decision is between paying rent and going to the doctor or eating or going to the doctor a lot of people are going to choose not to go the doctor. Not because they want to be unhealthy or stressed but because they can’t afford the healthcare to

Replying to TheMadCow here as I make try not to help people who start off a comment with an insult get out of the grays.

71.9 (round up to 72, the number you gave) is the average life expectancy OF THE ENTIRE PLANET - or at least it was between 2010-2015, but the average life expectancy in the US for both sexes during

I can see why that would be alarming. But what do you mean by ‘shouldn’t have at their age’? Some conditions are much less frequently seen in people in their 30's than they are in people in their 80's (for extreme examples) but are there that many conditions that are entirely age-specific that people you know are

What..... WHAT?  There’s a non-white world?!   Are you trolling me?

you think it’s bad now, well it’s going to keep increasing decade over decade until you reach your late 80s because by the time you are that old there won’t be proportionally as many people left alive in your age range to die.

“President Trump’s own top aides didn’t think he fully understood what he had done [fill in any day that Trump tweeted], when he fired off his offensive tweets before a trip to his [golf course/bathroom].”

I think that would cover the circumstances around at least 80-90% of Trump’s comments.

I’d be ok with changing the citizenship test if passing the same test were a requirement for every voter and elected AND appointed the local, state and federal level up to and including the President.

I mean I get that we have a representative democracy, but I don’t think that should exclude requirements

I find Michael’s humor quite enjoyable.

Came for the (well-deserved) snark, wasn’t disappointed.

I’d like to counter with “It’s not 53% of white women in the US WHO voted for Trump, it’s only 53% of WW who voted’ but who am I kidding? Not bloodly likely that the people who didn’t care enough to vote are going to be any more enlightened than their more involved sisters.

I am pretty sure an average 2nd or 3rd grader would have problems with their ‘logic’.

Maybe instead of trying to confront him on the serious things, we should pick something stupid to chant at him every time he shows his face. Something like ‘Go play golf”. There’s nothing inherently insulting about it, he loves to play golf - but it’s a reminder that this fatasshat spends more time away from the white

At least that samurai slicing a baseball in half story and the one about grossest sex acts aren’t showing up in my feed anymore - I swear those were showing for like a month straight.

as always remember the secret code to understanding what Trump actually meant is to know that he is projecting onto other people all the things he hates about himself. He is literally just talking about himself but isn’t self-aware enough to realize it.

Let’s reword what he said in this story to illustrate my theory.