
While I agree Trump is deranged, it undercuts the point when you leave out context. In this case, Trump said BEFORE taking the letter out that he wanted to go ‘off the record’. It doesn’t excuse or justify his reaction (threat of prison), but no reporter/photographer ever in the entire history of journalism has

I agree that it’s not cocaine-fueled, but I don’t think meth-fueled quite covers the level of insanity either. I’d say what we are seeing is more of a bath-salts-fueled version.


hiring their buddies at 10x the going market rate who then subcontract the work out to illegal immigrants who get jailed(‘detained’) by their other buddies running for-profit concentration camps and who eventually get deported so the work never actually gets done.

So, guess it’s safe to say you are an optimistic ‘glass half full’ sort of person.

She’s just projecting. Again.

Ah... I see. I haven’t seen this phenomena play out over time, so assumed from the article that someone was just nom-nomming through the contents of the container. It didn’t occur to me that people would bring it as a prop and then only eat out of it when they saw themselves on the big screen - which is silly of me,

If the internet can express skepticism that these spectators are consuming roughly a pint of mayonnaise, allow us to express skepticism at that skepticism.

Plus, if they ever get citizenship, they are more likely to vote for the party that is pro-immigration, so there’s 2x as many reasons (besides the whole racist make-america-white-again agenda) for Republicants to not want immigrants to settle in the US.

Short of taking off his human mask and showing his reptilian true-self, I don’t know what Carlson could do that would surprise me.   To be clear, I wouldn’t be surprised to discover that Carlson is one of our reptilian overlords, I’d just be surprised he’d willingly admit it...on television.

Does anyone know if the game lets you give the human non-player-characters? Like um, could you name the humans after your co-workers? (asking for a friend)

games going digital is resulting in game stores going the same way music stores did after music went digital. locally, the only ‘record’/music store chain still in existence is at most 50% CDs and vinyl, the rest is over-priced pop culture collectibles and novelty gifts.

games going digital is resulting in game stores going the same way music stores did after music went digital.

If I could give him anything I would give him self-awareness. Either that or the gift of not being able to lie.

Both of those would be really fun to watch, and would get him out of office in no time.

The fact that they have a games division is pretty well known in the gaming and development world so that’s not a surprise. What would really be a surprise would be if - as you allude to - the Amazon Games division actually completed and released a game.

That’s why I was never good at spelling bees.  I never knew ‘asshole’ was spelled ‘E X P E R T’.

I meant to say “there is a difference between NOT having an expectation of privacy, and wanting your picture posted all over social media — in that they are both points in a spectrum but are NOT the exact same thing - as the OP’s comment seemed to suggest.

— keeping my fingers crossed that this comment at least be nomin

Always a safe bet.

Hey - be fair, he never said WHAT month did he?

Did you happen to notice the name of the commenter who said that?

Since I never said anything about ‘most of human history’, you either meant your comment in reply to someone else, are making up your own strawman argument, or you are really good at writing random non-sequitor comments.

I don’t really care which it was, so I’ll leave it up to you to figure out. If there was something

If you think being poor and obese is ‘great’, then clearly you and I have different understanding of what ‘great’ actually means. Although if Trump shares your understanding of what ‘great’ is then his “MAGA” slogan suddenly makes a lot more sense.