
I like your optimism, but I fear the difference is that every year of internet life there are millions of new ‘cells’ added to the entity. My fear is that given the worldwide mix of young and old, educated and ignorant, rational and irrational, that it’s current level of ‘maturity’ is the maximum attainable level.


“Btw I’m not saying right-wing politics are inherently build on fraud. It’s just that currently claiming to be ‘right-wing’ is enough to get you started on a possible grift.”

So Trump has had dementia his entire life? I’m not buying that. I’ll stick with the possibility that he is just a fucking idiot.

I am offended at the gif that superimposed Trump’s head over Steve Martin’s (from The Jerk). If Trump were just a jerk that would be about 1000x improvement.

No no, it’s part of Trump’s 13-dimensional chess match to use the Mueller investigation as justification of an investigation by Barr into the deep state syndicate that has been trying to overthrow Trump.

Not a betting person, but my money would be on guys who are both insecure and [ short and/or guys with bald spots/receding hairlines ].

she tried but she kept walking into walls and tripping over stuff so she was looking for a more permanent solution.

here’s hoping!    

Isn’t that literally the name of a Jim Carrey movie?

strafing any of the survivors” 

“Robbins’ lawyers said there have been “very few reported instances of anyone suffering any form of significant physical injury or adverse medical condition”

He claims the speed bumps are 6" high but clearly this guy is idiot. The town engineer said the speed bumps are about half as heigh as the guy claimed. My guess is they are probably 3-4" inches high and the complainer is an idiot. Oh wait, I already said that. Still true though.

I am sure theres a University library somewhere with a few inches of shelf space the Trump Presidential Library could fit into.


I thought it was going to be just another picture of Trump in the White House.

she sounds like she’s operating out of a sense of ‘unfairness’ that only 4-5 year olds, idiots and people with a real high sense of entitlement/privilege are clueless* enough to say out-loud. e.g. She’s not upset about the employee eating, she’s upset that someone else gets to eat on the train and she doesn’t get to.

Simple solution: Reversible hats with MAGA on the outside, Pussy on the inside.   

imo expecting ‘normal’ levels of customer support from companies who barely even pay their delivery people is preposterously optimistic (and unrealistic).

I am not saying the company shouldn’t have on-call support, but if I can’t even get instant support from my bank, there’s no way i am going to get support from

He was driving the bus, leaned out to look under it, fell out and bus ran over his head.

(actually happened at least once IRL. not to him (that I know of) but true story. a guy did that once, though it was a car, not a bus... and he died)

Hey, c’mon... there’s no need to insult Elves.

I was going to say there would at least be lots of room for furniture, but given how much self-loathing and hate is in there, I am sure the inside of trump’s head looks like the interior of a 90 year old hoarder’s run down mobile home who has been living there with his 30 cats for the past 40 years.