Vinnie Vici

Adding salt to ice water lowers the freezing point and it can chill your drinks quicker.


Bitcoins are higher than the dollar...

Slow news day?

Bright != emitted light

"The Tsunami pod will be a 7-inch ball with seating and safety straps for six people"

"is 450 feet long and holds 1,500 passengers."

considering you see him jump out of the rig just as the building collapses.... no

"which is weird, because that doesn't look like the usual trajectory and angle for a normal commercial airplane on that route."

Try this in English: IT'S DECOMMISSIONED, and there are ZERO active fuel rods with NO CHANCE IN HELL of a meltdown. That is all.

@Max176: I see what you did there

Let it be known , this is not another "random internet comment"... LulzSec by name is retired, but our purpose lives on ;)

more yako spam

Yeah... this won't turn out well for Iran. Remember, we are everywhere... expect us.