Ballplayer bends over bent over ballplayer.
Ballplayer bends over bent over ballplayer.
Ball’s cupper balls cupped.
Does the eyebrow question infer that a large number of people don’t wash their face? For fucks sake, wash your face people...
It’s called shock. It’s not being a good athlete, it’s being a mammal. Adrenaline shoots through your body so you got one more minute to run away from that lion before you’re lunch.
So much this... former EMS provider in a rural area, so you get to know everybody because grandma’s have heart problems. So you get invited to these on a regular basis, and when they happen while you’re at work, it’s good to go, and have a decent relationship with everyone. Stop in, eat a plate, make another to go,…
On his site, under the More heading, there’s a link called “Shit Republicans Pull Out of Their Ass.” It’s like the 3rd line.
that sounds like a hernia. go cough in front of a doctor.
Pole Vault for Dummies,
A thousand times this. These guys look like the guys out there watching car shows. I have more in common with them and find them genuinely interesting because of it. I can’t sit through an hour of guys who think a goatee and sleeve tattoo make them interesting.
I do not own any t-shirts with script letters. I do not have a ft long goatee. I do not have sleeve tattoos. I don’t wear a hipster beanie in the summer. I did not flunk out of school or learn about cars by street racing. I don’t wear jean shorts. I don’t wear sunglasses indoors. I look as though I bathed today. I…
Take their money. We all have AdBlockers on anyways.
The Pegula fracking deserves to be what doesn’t suck. He made his money in fracking Pennsylvania. And he’s spending it in Buffalo. That’s some high-dollar trolling.
the balls... they trade places with each other. not supposed to do that. left shark always should be left shark
I coach my kid’s baseball team and I manage my work softball team.
Choked on my coffee star
The team discussed protesting by under-performing on the field, but decided against it when they realized no one would notice the difference.
My brain and my penis both agree...