i think the usmnt should not have americans on it. also usmnt is a stupid name. reminds me of tmnt
i think the usmnt should not have americans on it. also usmnt is a stupid name. reminds me of tmnt
i just got hit in the face with a pee filled balloon.
anti trump people on these boards react to things exactly the way trump does. it is kind of funny.
women aren’t allowed to have drunk sex according to the people here. it’s rape.
this tweet couldn’t be more boring and benign. of course someone needs to be outraged about things that don’t matter.
i am 34. for 16 years (my entire driving life to that point) i drove stick. i tried to buy a stick and it didn’t even have power windows 2 years ago. i didn’t buy a manual.
he won with what was put in front of him. every year johnson won, some other guy with the same format did not win. that’s all you can do.
we need some mlk memes to combat this!
we need marital advice from you too.
big country
blah blah blah.
we are in trouble as a species when we have to qualify our ethnic, racial and political standing before trying to present an argument. logic is logic even if an alien presents it. this is not directed at any side in this debate.
i sometimes wonder if the women who write for jezebel hate themselves.
i wear one lifting weights. i lift heavy weights.
hello westerners.
aaron paul
i’m not disagreeing. i’m in the same situation. i’m just saying that that’s where humans are at. there is no exercise built into our lives.
i work out constantly but working out has got to be the weirdest thing ever. where are we at in the world that we have to go to large rooms and lift objects and run on stationary machines for exercise.
i think plato invented this technique. don’t address the actual content of the opposing argument, state your emotional connection to your argument and then say you won’t argue anymore.
i’m going to start sending you when other random former division one players get arrested and let’s see if you post them. oh yeah. you mentioned it’s because of your emotional interest in this man that makes this news.