
Quit whining and pay your debts you chumps.

If I could go back in time, I wouldve skipped college and taken up an apprenticeship in a trade.

Student loans are extremely front heavy on interest. They want to make sure they get all of it before you get that big time job and pay it off early. I’ve been paying on mine for eleven years and just got to a point where it’s 50/50 principal interest.

Weird I just set my Fitbit goal to 15k about twenty minutes ago.

Armor pigs.

I only know because my city/county fucked up the deal to come here. So our big ass cleared piece of land will continue sit vacant for another ten years.


I look at directions before I buy...One egg recipe equals fudgy and two eggs equals cake. Then undercook them by two minutes and let them rest in pan for a half an hour. My wife and I like ours fudgy and undercooked.

So saving $250 a year on a 100k loan (12 monthly payments of $21) is really a deal breaker?

That dog is blind, seriously.

Will neighborhood cats prowling on my porch constantly set this off?

Will neighborhood cats prowling on my porch constantly set this off?

Majority of red states are in the south. Lower property values and lower wages equals less taxes.

I used to work in a restaurant where we had to peel thousands of shrimp daily before opening....Lemon juice.

This list sucks.

You don’t need the butter, especially when a lot of sauces already have a significant amount of butter in them.

Rubbing alcohol and double sided tape.

Rubbing alcohol and double sided tape.

Only if you have buyer protection with your credit card.

Only if you have buyer protection with your credit card.

What about the hit Crowder took later in the game that was a hundred times more blatent helmet to helmet than the grazing Newton took?

I don’t understand the relevance of my misfortune of living in a “red state” (even though I live in one few “blue counties” and from an extremely “blue state”) or my comments from a topic that was in no way related to sports.

fuck cam newton. he’s one of the biggest guys on the field and the biggest bitch.