
You arent locked into anything. You want to go somewhere else then you just return the phone. Its not a contract and no etfs.

Nah, I work in aerospace.

Two year contract $200 up front for unlimited everything and phone $80. Now $60 bring your own phone or $60 plan+ $20 lease phone and then pay $200 af end to own phone...

If you a currently on a two year contract plan then you will remain on that until you decide to get a new phone. Then they will force you to move into their lease program....or you just stay with your current phone and plan indefinitely.

Nothing is any different at the other carriers.

You end up paying the same as you wohld under a two year contract. These options give people the choice of buying phones outright and saaving that subsidization that was built into plans and my wife both bought our phones directly from google. We pay $50 for our plan combined.

All the carriers are or will be going to a lease model for phones.

They arent taking away your plan. Im still on a FRamily plan which they havnt offered in almost a year.

You’re not comitted...if you leave sprint you just give the phone back and you’re done.



Yes, but alodine is chromate conversion process and not an anodize process. It is also still chromic acid which is extremly harmful to everyone and everything.

Anodizing is expensive and time consuming. Its not practical for automotive.

I found the all the coupons going around to be the deal especially the 15% of amazon warehouse. Got a few things ive been needing through warehouse and then coupon on top...saved a pretty good chunk of change.

Alot of people assume it just financially irresponsible people that use these places, its not. I live in a military citycity and they are the most common people to use rent to own places. They rent everything because they dont know when they are going to be deployed next or transferred. When that does happen the place

They’re legal in Georgia as of july 1...but couldn’t find anyone selling morter shells...still had to go over the bridge into SC to get some.

The forces of flying are a lot greater than some ocean surf.

Im in georgia. I’ve known several people who are much younger than me (so would have been somewhat recent high school grads) said they dropped out because their parents “didn’t make them go”.... So the parenting which seems to be pretty poor in general in the south is probably a huge part of the problem. Also,

You’ve really never seen that done before? Kids these days....

I got the tire scam once at a very large local shop chain here in coastal Georgia. If you live here you know which one it makes me sick they are always “the best” and keep expanding.