
I’m not sure I agree. I don’t see any reason/evidence that it was staged. 

It’s still outmatching both PS4 and X1 in exclusives for the current lifespan. All they get are multi-platforms, so what’s so wrong with a system late to the game getting ports to catch up as well as still being on pace to having more exclusives than the competition combined.

That would require Nintendo accepting that not every person wants to play a game in the exact way that Nintendo envisions them. Nintendo knows best and only has the best ideas, and you better fall in line.

That would require a table top or similar surface. That’s a lot of places, but it’s not “anywhere”.

Which works wonderfully well on the subway or in a car...

It's an interesting reality the console has. How do you balance the ability to have a touch screen only sometimes? I don't think the TWEWY approach is great. I'd like to be able to use joycon controls even in handheld with the option of touch. I think all games need to have a physical control scheme with touch as an

I started Living In The Same Place For The Rest Of My Life a couple months ago, and it’s much better, but your inventory from Moving carries over so it’s best if you spend the first stage playing the “Simplify My Life” minigame if you didn’t do it during Moving - which, for some reason most people only do

Sometimes I like to binge on MK8,and I will be getting Smash. The NES games are cool, but I don’t feel like I need the cloud saves. I’m also going in with a buddy as a “family group” so the annual cost is actually $17.50.

I wonder with this if the copy of Forza Horizon 3 would run on pc through my xbox account there.

I wonder with this if the copy of Forza Horizon 3 would run on pc through my xbox account there.

Police are an unimpeachable group in Spider-Man. They show no real flaws and make no mistakes.

Moral vacuums are nice to have sometimes. This is one of those times. Contrast with the most recent Tomb Raider, which was weakened overall by its failure to resolve its gameplay and the underlying moral dilemma of what that gameplay would lead to in the real world.

Now playing

One of my favorite youtubers: his editing, research and narrative skills are all professional TV level, and he even proves it by sometimes doing episodes in the style of other popular documentaries, and nailing it.

Shooting in area where guns aren’t allowed: “See? Gun bans don’t work!”

Oh no... A subset of a subset of people has been offended but in no real way affected by a joke. My heart goes out to them.
I hope deleting the tweet was enough, and pray they recover swiftly.

That tweet wasn't transphobic.

Generally, I believe that as long as you aren’t hurting anyone, and you’re critical and understanding enough about why you like things, and why other people don’t, you can go right ahead and enjoy whatever you like.

I was in a discord channel for a while shortly after the game came out and it was always funny because you could tell who was fooled by the first credits and who played to the end based on their mood.  “I just beat the game, can’t wait to see what happens next!” vs. “I just beat the game and I need a hug.”

Word of advice on Gravity Rush 2: you might think you’ve beaten the game after the first time the credits roll, but the tease they give at the end of the credits isn’t setting up for a sequel but is instead teasing the actual end of the game. Go exploring around town talking to a certain person and eventually you’ll